Five: Truth

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Sabine sat staring into nothing, thinking about what Ezra's reaction would be when she told him about Hope. 

She smiled when she thought about the two. They would with no doubt get along, playing pranks on Chopper and Zeb, going behind her back, ect.

"Sabine?" Ahsoka asked.

"Hey," Sabine replied.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ezra and Hope."

"Hope is Force sensitive," 

"I know." Sabine was puzzled. 

Where is she getting at? She wondered. 

"I want to train her."

Sabine gaped at the Togruta.

"Hope is strong with the Force—stronger than anyone I've ever known. She could make a powerful Jedi—or Sith."

Ahsoka stopped, and the two looked into the other's eye.

"If you think that you should train her, then when the time is right, you can. But something is telling me that that's not the only reason you want to train her," Sabine pointed out.

"True. The Force has been telling me that I had to take your daughter as an apprentice, or else she'd get killed or turned to the Dark Side."

Sabine gasped. "How?"

"I don't know. All I know know is that we have to find Ezra, or else the same thing will happen to Jacen."

"We can't let that happen."

 "We won't."


A few hours later, Ahsoka was meditating, trying to find Ezra, yet no luck.

But then, a feeling, a life signature all to familiar crossed her.

"SABINE! I CAN SENSE EZRA!" She screamed.


"Pull out of hyperspace!" 

The blue and white colors of hyperspace disappeared and a snow-white planet appeared in front of them. 

"He's on that planet. I can feel him," Ahsoka whispered.

Sabine looked at the planet, her eyes bright and happy, trembling with excitement.

Hang on Ezra......I'm coming.


Ezra was walking with Shiwo'ives and her boyfriend, Ryo (A human), when he stopped.

A presence of a loved one was close.


"Ezra? Are you okay?" Ryo asked.

"I-I'm fine. I—"

"You know the people who are coming—" Shiwo'ives stopped, and looked at Ryo, who stared back wide-eyed.

"Can you feel her?" Ryo asked.

"Ahsoka!" Shiwo'ives cried. "She survived!"

"We have to tell the others!"

Ezra looked at the two.

"You're Jedi!" He realized. 

"We are, at least were. We were young when Order 66 occurred. We didn't know if anyone survived but us and Master Kenobi. Now we know that you and Ahsoka both survived!"

Ezra looked down.

"I-I never knew Order 66. I was born the day it happened. Kanan Jarrus, you probably knew him a Caleb Dume, was my Master. He-he was killed by the Empire a few years ago."

Shiwo'ives and Ryo looked down.

"We knew him only a little bit. He was kind. I'm sure you are well trained."

"How do you know Ahsoka?" Ezra changed the subject. 

Their answer surprised him.

Look who updated! I know it's short, but I wanted to move things along, so here ya go!

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