Eight: Escape Plan

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Shiwo'ives, Ryo, and their friends,  Bai (an Ithorian male), Gondi (a Wookiee male), Gadana (a Rodian girl), and Zaii (a Nautolan male), were all glad to welcome Sabine—though at first, Bai was a bit hesitant because she was Mandalorian. But he saw that Ezra was with Sabine in an relationship, so he let it go.

But it was only later when Sabine remembered Ahsoka and Rex.

"I have to try to contact them!" She told the group of Force-sensitives.

"Hang on. Did you just say 'Ahsoka'?" Gadana asked.

"Ye—yeah," Sabine said with confusion.

"So that's who I felt!" The Rodian cried.

"You....know her," Sabine asked suspiciously.

"Know her? Why, she led us to get our Lightsabers!" The six other Jedi said at once.

"Oh," was all Sabine could say. She racked her brain for stories Ahsoka told her about the Clone Wars. And she knew it was there, but couldn't grasp it. 

She always hatted that when it happened.

"We'll help you find a way. We also—and everyone here—need to get out of this place," Ryo said.

"Then let's start looking for a way!" 


Ahsoka was trying to call Sabine, but it didn't work. Ether Sabine was to far away, or was—"She isn't! Get it together, Ahsoka!! You would have felt it!" 

Ahsoka sighed angrily. 

Rex looked at her. He had his helmet on his head, and was switching stations, hoping for Sabine to reply. 

"You good, 'Soka?" He asked.

"NO! Ezra is still missing, Sabine just went missing, and there are seven different Force-users—not counting Ezra—and I can't place who they are coming from! I know who they are, but I can't figure out WHO!!"  Ahsoka broke. Blinking back tears, they slowly still came. Her throat was sore from call to Sabine, and because Ahsoka was upset and stressed.

"Sn—Ahsoka, you should take a brake. I'll keep trying to contact Sabine. Remember, she's a tough one. She was a bounty hunter at fourteen." Rex had to stop himself from saying "Snips," because he didn't want her to have a breakdown. 

"THAT'S IT!" Ahsoka screamed.

Rex glanced at her, confused and a bit afraid.

"I know who attacked us earlier! When you said 'bounty hunter,' that made me remember who it was!" Ahsoka cried with glee.

Rex was now excited.

"Who?" He dared to breathe.

Ahsoka turned, and opened her mouth to speak.


"I'm seeing rocks and ice that look stable," Sabine said.

"They all look stable. But none of them are," Shiwo'ives sighed.

Ezra was deep in thought. Then he gave a smile that Sabine knew when he gave that smile, he had an idea.

"We're all Jedi—except Sabine. Sorry Sabine—can't we use the Force?"

Han Solo jumped out of nowhere and said, "THAT'S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS!!"

@Crystalzdream runs in. 


MandalorianJedi ran in.

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