Four: The Fall

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Ezra was running for dear life. Somehow, the stormtroopers had found his shelter, and started to attack. 

Somehow one had even hit his shoulder.

"I hit him!" He had screamed, and some congratulated him while others glared at him in envy. 

Ezra just ran.

Finally, he came to a vast field of ice, and couldn't find his way back to land. Shivering, he walked on. 

After a whole night, he came to a large cliff. Swerving to avoid hitting it, he started to walk around, looking for a place where he could climb. 

But the ice around there was thinner than he thought. It cracked, and before he could reacted, he fell.

Bouncing off rocks and ice, he finally hit the floor. Groaning in pain, he pushed himself up. 

Looking around, he saw that he wasn't dead, which didn't really help him. It was also dark.

"I really wish I had my lightsaber," he thought. "But most of all I wish I have Sabine.............." He closed his eyes, not wanting to remember that dreadful day long ago.

"Hi," a voice whispered from the shadows. Ezra jumped to his feet, and put himself in defense position. 

"I'm not going to hurt you," they said. 

"Who are you?" Ezra demanded. 

"My name is Shiwo'ives. I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?" A Tholothian woman stepped out of the shadows. 

Ezra sensed that this older woman wasn't a threat, so he spoke.

"My name is Ezra Bridger. I fell down here. I didn't mean to trespass," he added the last part with  panic slowly filling him.

"You didn't. I, too, fell down here. So did everyone who lives here. That mountain that you saw, it's fake. A trick of the mind. Kinda like a mirages."

That made sense. 

"So, Shiwo'ives," he started. "Can you show me where the other people are? I-I've been hiding for so long that I've almost forgotten what it's like living among people who aren't trying to kill me."

"I'll take you to the Tribe. Follow me," she said, motioning for him to follow.

Little did Ezra and Shiwo'ives know, they were being watched.


"NO!" Sabine bolted upright, sweating and gasping. Ahsoka ran into the room.

"Are you okay?" She asked franticly.

"I-I-I-I'll be fine. Nightmares. I'm use to them," Sabine replied, a bit shaky.

But deep down, she knew it wasn't a nightmare.

It was a vision of what will be.

I'm sorry this is so short! I had a time limit. Shiwo'ives is pronounced "She-wo-ives" and I made her up—or did I?

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