Twelve: Family Reunion

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Gasping, Sabine opened her eyes. It took her a moment to figure out where she was, and she was able to find out was that she was on a ship.



A forehead was on her's, and Ezra helped her sit up,

"Omega! She's awake!" The Jedi called, and Sabine frowned.

"Who's Omega?" She asked.

"I'm Omega," said a female voice that had a Clone accent. "I'm a medic, as well as a fighter. I've been taking care of you for the past twenty-four hours."

"Twenty-four hours?!" Sabine gasped.

"Yeah, Sabine. Whatever Thrawn, Aurra, and Maul did to you, it hurt you bad," Ahsoka's voice came in.

"But don't worry! We've got them locked up!" A new and unfamiliar voice pipped in. The stranger had three others behind him.

"I'm Hunter," he said, "And these are Echo, Wrecker, and Tech. We're Clones."

"It's—it's good to meet you," Sabine said.

"And the same for you," said the one named Tech. He looked at her, then a datapad. 

"Sabine Wren, rebel, Mandalorian, protector of Lothal. Has a brother, mother, and father. Had a sister—" Sabine clinched her fists "—and her family had abando—"

"Stop!" She shouted, her head lowered, her eyes closed and filling with tears.

She was still sensitive to the subject. 

The Clones looked surprised at her outburst. Ezra pulled her close.

"She doesn't like talking about that stuff," he explained.

Tech looked embarrassed, and said, "Sorry. I didn't mean to get you upset...."

"I-i-i-it's fine. I-I just....h-have a hard time talking about that, 'kay?" She said shakily. 

"Tech, she just woke up. Did you really have to do that?" Omega asked.

"I said I was sorry," he mumbled.


"Approaching Lothal!"  

Ezra and Sabine ran to the cock-pit. Ezra's smile grew wider when he saw the planet.

"It's beautiful," he whispered.

"I knew you would like that I helped to fix it up," Sabine said.

That made Ezra smile the biggest smile yet, and he put an arm around her.

When they landed, they landed right outside the Ghost. 

"Ready to meet your daughter?" Sabine asked Ezra.

"I'm a bit nervous, but over that, 'very' would be an understatement, 'Bine," the Jedi replied, and put his hood over his head. This was apart of the plan.

The door opened, and when Sabine landed, a little, yellow and purple blur ran and hugged Sabine, crying "Mama!!"

Ezra caught his breath when Hera, Kanan, Zeb, Kallus, and Jacen ran out. Ahsoka touched his shoulder, and smiled encouragingly. 

"I'm five now, Mama!" The little girl, who had to be Hope, said excitedly. 

"And you know I promised to be here on your birthday!" Sabine said.

"Oh! Hope, I have a surprise for you," she said mysteriously.

Hope got excited. 

"What is it Mama?!"

"You know that I had to leave, and look for someone?"

"Yeah. You never tell me who though."

"Well...." Sabine motioned for Ezra to come a bit closer.

"I was looking for your father."

Hope's face brightened. 

"DID YOU FIND HIM!?!?!" She shouted.

Hera's, Kanan's, Zeb's, and even Chopper seemed to brighten up.

Sabine smiled at them, and then at her daughter.

"Yes." Her voice ran out.

Ezra stepped forward, and pushed his hood of his face. 

Nodding at the Ghost Crew, he knelt next to his daughter. Reaching out a hand, he breathed, "Hello." 

Kanan had to hold Hera back because she had started forward to hug the long lost member of the space family.

Hope got shy, and hid behind behind Sabine.

"Don't be scared, go and say 'hi' to your dad," Sabine said.

Hope then came out and hugged him so tightly, Ezra fell over, and everyone laughed. 

Until Kanan saw the Bad Batch.

His eyes widened, and Hunter looked surprised, as he also recognized the older Jedi.

"You were that Padawan who was running from us," Hunter said.

"Because you killed her," Kanan replied sharply. His hands moved to his Lightsaber.

"Whoa, calm down boys,"  Omega and Ahsoka said.

"Let's try to have a pleasant reunion. Oh! And Kanan, we never would have gotten off that planet or have saved Sabine or have captured Thrawn without them!"

"You captured Thrawn?"

"Echo did," Sabine said.

Kanan hesitated. "Alright. But I still don't trust them."

The Bad Batch nodded, and Rex said to them, "You'll get used to it."

Katooni, Petro, Byph, Gungi, Zatt, and Ganodi were overjoyed to be on another planet.

Kanan also recognized them from some of the classes he took as a youngling. 

He nodded his greetings to them

But the best part was, the Ghost Crew was back.

Hello there!!!!!

Two chapters out today!!

What are you thinking about Hope's character? Please let me know!!

May the Force be with you!!

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