Six: An Old Friend

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"Ahsoka?! What's going on?" Sabine ran into the cockpit, where Ahsoka was frantically flipping switches.

"I don't know what happened, but when we entered the planet's atmosphere, we started going down!"

Morai, Ahsoka's bird, flapped her wings.

"Should we abandon ship?" Sabine yelled.

"Yes! I hope your jet-pack works!"

"It does!" Sabine called, knowing her friend's plan.

It would be to hard to get to the exit, so Sabine did something crazy and reckless.

She let her back hit the glass window, and felt herself falling.

Activating her jet-pack, she flew back to the falling ship.

Ahsoka was using one of her Lightsabers to make the hole Sabine made bigger.

"Calm down, Ahsoka. It's not like you've done this a million times," Ahsoka scolded herself.

And she jumped. 

Reaching her hand to Sabine's, she grabbed it—but slipped through it.

"NO!" Sabine screamed. She deactivated her jet-pack and fell, trying to grab her friend.

It was just before Ahsoka hit the ground, Sabine grabbed the Togruta's waist, and pulled up. 

Skimming the water below them, Morai flew next to Sabine and Ahsoka; who had passed out.

Opening her eyes, Ahsoka felt herself being held, and water was below them.

She tensed, but relaxed when she saw it was Sabine holding her.

"You okay?" The Mandalorian asked.

"I'll live. It's not like this never happened to me before," Ahsoka replied shakily.

"I see land. We'll head there."

"Caw!" Morai called, and handed Ahsoka her lightsaber.

"Thanks my friend," she told both the bird an human.


After landing, or more likely, crashing—Sabine's jet-pack malfunctioned—the two settled down.

"So this is where Ezra is?" Sabine asked, not looking up from fixing her jet-pack.

Ahsoka was standing with her arm extended, Morai perched on it.

"This is the place where I fe—"

"Commander Wren?" A voice asked.

Sabine and Ahsoka snapped their gazes to a man who looked to be in his late thirties.

"It's just Sabine," the Mandalorian smiled.

Ahsoka was staring at the man who interrupted them, her eyes wide, hopeful, and overjoyed.

The man didn't seem to notice her yet.  

But Ahsoka would recognize this man anywhere.

Before she could say anything, though, Sabine said, "Really, did you not see my companion yet?"

The man turned to Ahsoka, and his eyes widened with the same feelings as Ahsoka felt.



The two embraced, both crying.

A/N: Dear god help me I'm crying too

Sabine watched the scene happily, but felt a bit sad. She couldn't wait until that was her and Ezra.

"What are you doing here of all places Rex?" Ahsoka sobbed.

"More importantly, how are you alive? The night when Ezra and Kanan returned from Malachor.........."

"Before Ezra went into hyperspace, be went to the word between words, and saved me. We where separated, and I returned to the time I was in before he pulled me out. I-I couldn't come back, because that would change what was supposed to be," Ahsoka explained, still sobbing.

The two best friends stayed like that for a long, long time.

So long, that they stayed like that until the stars came out.

When they pulled apart, they looked in confusion at the sky.

"How'd it get so late?" Ahsoka asked.

"I think the two of you fell asleep in each others arms, or were just so happy you didn't care about time. It was really cute. Also, I made dinner," Sabine said, laughing.

The Jedi and Clone went red, making Sabine laugh more.

"Don't worry. But we only have two bed rolls. Rex, do you have your own supplies? How'd you even get here anyway? The Battle of Endor wasn't that long ago."

"I don't have any supplies. I don't even know how I got here," the Clone replied.

"I'll share with Rex," Ahsoka offered.

"Comm—Ahsoka, I can sleep on the floor. I don't mind."

"Rex, I really don't care if you share with me."

"Alright, then."

But Sabine saw that he looked happy.

Her heart tingled with jealousy, but she shook it off.

She was happy for her friend, but it hurt.

She just wanted Ezra.


"Fighting the Empire was so interesting!" Shiwo'ives gasped.

"Kinda. The only good part was I had my friends. And—and Sabine............." Ezra's throat went sore.

"I'ma turn in. 'Night," he called.

"G'night!" Ryo called. 

The two had let him sleep in their house, which was really just a bunch of rocks put to close off from the cave.

Ezra had met others trapped down here, and life wasn't interesting.

The leader was the only person who had access to the world above, and they gave the people trapped below food and water. But they never let anyone go back up.


"Soon, Ahsoka, the Mando, and that pathetic Clone will fall for my trap!"

Laughter echoed through the halls as the person watched the trio through a mirror. 

Hello there! Another chapter done! What are your theories on who the mysterious leader is? I'd love to hear!

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