Ten: Getting Her Back

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Dis one is going to be a shorter-than-usual chapter

Groaning, Sabine rubbed her head.

Where am I? She thought

"Welcome to my home," Aurra Sing said.

A new, but well-known voice pipped in.

"Actually, it's my home."

Sabine wanted to punch Maul's face, but her arms, legs, and waist were chained against the wall, preventing movement. 

"As you can see, you have been captured," Maul began.

"I think it's pretty obvious, sleemo," Sabine hissed.

Maul finished his sentence.

"As I was saying, we're keeping you for bait. That's all you are, now," he said with false sympathy.

"My friends have done this a million times! They won't fall for your game!" Sabine shouted.

"Ahh, but see? They will. My plans always work," said a voice Sabine thought she had killed.



"We have to find Sabine!" Ezra insisted.

"We will! We have to be careful, though. It's most likely she's being used as a trap," Ahsoka tried to calm the younger Jedi down.

"Guys, I've got a lead. The Empire has the place she's at under high-security. We wouldn't stand a chance without a plan."

Katooni jumped in.

"We'll need more people," she whispered.

"And I know just who to call," Rex smiled.

Everyone leaned in.


Rex smiled bigger.

"Clone Force 99. Otherwise known as the Bad Batch."


Thrawn smirked. 

"You didn't kill me. That was just a wound. I faked it."

Sabine clinched her hands.

"And now, Lady Wren, let me ask you some questions," Thrawn continued.

"Where is your daughter, and what is her name?"

Sabine only stared coldly at the Chiss.

"Who is her father?" 

Sabine didn't answer, refusing to let Thrawn put her child in danger. 

"May I?" Thrawn asked Maul, who nodded.

The Chiss pressed a button. 

Screams of pain echoed throughout the cell.

After five whole minutes of torture, the electricity stopped. 

Sabine had to gasp for breath.

"Now, tell us about your daughter," Thrawn asked again.

"I'd die first, sleemo," Sabine gasped.

Thrawn sighed.

"At least you know we gave you a chance."

And he activated the electricity again. This time, it went on for twenty minutes, and Sabine passed out.

Thrawn sighed again.

"Why does she have to be so stubborn?" He asked no one in particular.

"She's a Mandalorian. She stubborn because of that," Aurra said.

A stormtrooper ran in.

"We are under attack!" He shouted.

The three who tortured Sabine looked at each other in surprise. Sure, they had expected the Jedi to find their base, but they didn't think it'd be so soon.

Running out, they pushed past the stormtrooper and ran to command the other troopers to fight.

The trooper they had pushed by, was actually Ezra.

Katooni and Petro jumped down from a vent, and waited outside the cell.

Ezra gasped when he saw Sabine.

Quickly, he slashed her chains.

Wrecker was braking things and blowing things up.

But Ezra ignored all of that. He ran as fast as he could back to the ship, carrying Sabine.

Omega waited at the ship's entrance.

After a while, she spoke.

"Sabine will live, but she was put under a lot of torture. It will take time for her to recover," she informed everybody. 

Ezra walked over and touched Sabine forehead.

"I'll be here when you wake up. We're heading back to Lothal. I hope you'll wake up before then," he whispered, gently kissing her forehead.

And, holding onto Sabine's hand, he watched the ship go into hyperspace.

Hello there!


Okay, I was really excited to write that part. I was also thinking, "What?! I'm updating two books today!?"

May the Force be with you!!

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