Seven: Reunion

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Ezra was talking to Shiwo'ives, Ryo, and their friends, when an alarm sounded.

"What's the alarm for?" He asked.

"The alarm is for when someone falls through the ice. That's how we knew you fell though," Shiwo'ives explained.

"Can I come to see who it is?" Ezra asked.

"Sorry, no. The leader won't let anyone who had recently fell through to go and help."

"Okay, then. I'll be in the market, if you need me," Ezra said.

Shiwo'ives and Ryo gave him a thumbs up, and left to help the new one, while their friends went to do there work.


Rex, Ahsoka, and Sabine walked for hours. The planet was strange. One moment you would be walking on grass, but then you'll find yourself slipping on ice.

Sabine even discovered that even though there were grass and trees, and the weather was not even cold (but they they still had to wear capes or jackets), the surface was made of ice. 

That really confused everybody. 

Shivering under her cape and armor, Sabine asked Ahsoka, "Is Ezra nearby?"

Ahsoka sighed.

"It's strange. He's close, but I can't grasp his position. But I'm sensing multiple Force-users. Eight that I know—counting Ezra. Six I know but can't place, Ezra, and another that I think I know, but also can't place. It's harder to place that one."

"Six you know? Do you think—"

"Rex, please don't mention them." Ahsoka's watered. 


Sabine wanted to know more, but she held her tongue.

"Guys, we have walked away from land. We're only on ice, and there is nothing around for miles and miles," Sabine said after a while.

Ahsoka's hand tightened on Rex's.

"Let's try to find a way back. Maybe retrace our steps?" Ahsoka suggested.

"Hey! I see land!" Rex pointed out. 

Sabine frowned, and looked at her radar.

And there was no land nearby.

"Rex! That's not land! That's a mirage!" Sabine called. 

Too late. Ice started cracking beneath his feet.

"REX!" Ahsoka screamed.

Before the Jedi could do anything, Sabine activated her jet-pack, and pushed the Clone out of the way. 

A blaster shot came and hit the Mandalorian's jet-pack, and she went crashing down into the abyss. 

"NO!" Ahsoka and Rex screamed.

Blaster shots came in, and Ahsoka blocked while Rex shot at where the blasts were coming from.

A Palliduvan was shooting at them. 

By the time Ahsoka reached the place where the Palliduvan was, it was gone.

But she had managed to see that it was female—and was wearing orange clothes with a brown vest. 

She went back to Rex, and the two tried to find a way to call Sabine.

Meanwhile, Sabine was falling; bouncing off rocks and ice.

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