Chapter 5 - the awful past

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Ay, angst has come into the chat. Have fun reading!

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For the next year, things went smoothly, Tommy had fun with his new wings, Wilbur would practice his guitar and Techno would practice his swordsmanship. Something would go wrong soon however..

One day, Techno asked Tommy if he wanted to train with him. Tommy said yes since he wanted to do the same things his brothers did or something similar to them. Techno fought with Tommy being careful not to harm him. However, when Phil looked away for a split second, it happened. Tommy cried out, getting Phil's attention immediately. Techno was standing there, with a stone sword on the floor next to him with blood on it, his head was being held in his hands and he was crying, saying sorry over and over and over again. Then Tommy, he was in front of Techno also crying, with a wound on his face. A deep one which would surely leave a scar lasting a lifetime. It was on his lip spreading over a bit to his cheek. It was bleeding a lot. What the actual hell was Techno thinking!? Phil rushed over treating Tommy's wound. Techno was still saying sorry.. over and over.. Then, Phil noticed something. His eyes. His eyes were flashing, from black to bright red. Now Phil knew what happened. Voices. Almost all hybrids have voices, normally they are harmless and quiet though. Techno's must be loud. Loud enough to make him hurt someone. After Tommy was calmer (still in shock due to the trauma of Techno hurting him), Phil went over to Techn0, hugging him and calming him down. This was the first time. The first time Techno had hurt a loved one. He was not taking it well. Philza would have to explain to them all about what was happening with Techno. Hopefully Tommy wouldn't take it too hard.. And forgive Techno.

-FLASHBACK- -Tommy's POV- -!TW!-

I was used to this by now, yelling coming from downstairs, and me hiding in my room, under my desk. Listening to music with headphones on trying to block out the noise. I didn't like loud noises. Even though some people would think that a loud, obnoxious, 6 year old child like me, liked noise in general. Well that is indeed the opposite for me. I may BE loud, ACT loud, but.. I do not find any pleasure in noise. To be honest I would rather stay somewhere, like my mind, where no noise or disruptions could get me.

"I thought 6 year olds like me weren't meant to be scared of their own home..?" I murmured to myself.

That's true, I should feel safe in my own home, with my parents. Living a nice life with a strong bond with each other. Well.. that is not the case for me. I learned how to be independent at 4, due to both my mother and father never caring for me. Mother always rushed out the house to a party or a stripper club. While Father stayed at home and drank as much as he could. Along with smoking and drugs.. They never pay any attention t0 me, Apart from when they hurt me. Well, that is mostly Father considering he is always home apart from when he's out to buy more things...

I woke up from being drowned in my memories when I heard a loud crash. That was the door slamming shut. Mother probably left again from arguing with Father. Wait, why are there footsteps becoming louder? I panicked a bit, this didn't happen before. He normally just passed out on the couch downstairs.!. Father was coming upstairs to my room.

Then the door burst open. With a drunk man wobbling into the room staring at Tommy under the desk still.

"GEt oUT fRoM unDer TherE~..!" Father slurred his words at me.

I got up, slightly shaking in front of the towering drunk man.

(3rd person again)

The drunk man walked up to Tommy grabbing him by the neck and pulling him off the ground. As he did so, Tommy yelped from the sudden force choking him. He tried to make the man let him go but that only made him more aggressive. He threw Tommy to the ground making the poor boy curl up on the floor after banging his head and ribs on the hard floor. The man decided he wasn't satisfied still so he kicked him. Straight in the gut. Tommy coughed. He kicked again, and again, and again. The boy coughed up a small amount of blood while tears streamed down his face. Then, the adult grabbed a nearby empty beer bottle which he placed on the floor as he walked in and.. Threw it, straight at Tommy. The bottle broke into several shards cutting the boys skin as it fell. Some pieces got stuck. He was bleeding more now. The man laughed as he saw Tommy on the floor limp, unable to do anything. He kicked him again and picked up a shard of glass from the broken bottle. Then, he proceeded to cut Tommy's thigh. Making one deep, and long line of blood pour down the boys leg. Tommy cried out in pain. The drunk man threw the shard to the side and grabbed Tommy's hair dragging him to the small closet in the corner of his room. He threw the boy inside and locked him in the small cramped space,leaving him all alone.

Tommy breathes hitched. Small spaces never did any good to him. His claustrophobia started kicking in. Eventually, after struggling to breath for about 20 minutes. Tommy passed out, both due to strangling himself with fear, and him bleeding out from his leg.


Tommy sighed, lifting up his trouser leg. There's still a scar. It's a reminder of his brutal past with his biological parents. They were truly awful. He's happy with Phil. Wilbur and Techno now. No more constant harm to Tommy. But he can't help but wonder, what caused Techno to.. slash him? It definitely wasn't on purpose, cause why would he have done that? Why would he have cried? Techno has never hurt Tommy before, nor has he cried. Yet he cried when he hurt Tommy. There is no way it was purposeful. Tommy had to ask what happened. Maybe Phil knew? He seems to know everything after all.

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1054 words, an angst chapter. Hopefully it was good. I'm new to writing things like fluff, angst and stuff like that in general so it isn't the best.

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