Chapter 10 - Wholesome Sibling Interaction

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I woke up, opening my eyes to a bright light shining onto me. I closed them again to let them get used to the stinging brightness. *What even happened yesterday?* I asked myself. I swung my legs over the bed and hopped onto my.. Stained carpet? When did it get stained red? Oh well. I got off my bed and stumbled over to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. I spit the paste out and washed my face looking up at myself once more. *Huh, wait what-* I saw a wing, no two wings behind me. *WHEN DID I GET NEW WINGS-* I pinched myself to see if this was a dream or not. "Ow. Not a dream" I tried moving the muscles, they flexed out of their resting position. They were slightly different from my last wings. My feathers now had light brown at the bottom of them, but otherwise the same sapphire wings. I pushed them back into their previous resting place on my back then went downstairs.

"Hello Sweetheart, you healed up from last night?" Kristin asked, in her usual calming voice. Tommy nodded his head, still sort of tired. The blonde walked up to the kitchen table and waited for his food which Phil was currently cooking. His brothers came up to him and sat on either side of him. Tommy let his new feathered wings out from under his shirt through two holes he made simply for them. Wilbur and Techno immediately started stroking and preening them. It calmed Tommy down. This was a routine for the three boys. Since the two older ones were taught how to preen wings, they always did it for Tommy, considering he couldn't do it properly. Tommy was holding back an urge to go to sleep again. Or at least he thought it was that. After several minutes of preening and having another pair of hands join in, Tommy gave up resisting.

Kristin started giggling and Techno along with Wilbur just sat there baffled.

"..Did you just Chirp? Tommy?" Wilbur asked. Tommy's face went beetroot red from the embarrassment, but with his wings being in the hold of his two older brothers, he couldn't escape into the warmth of his blankets. His two siblings started giggling from this reaction. They both retracted their arms from Tommy's wings and, as soon as they did, the small boy started to bolt for his room, but, having short legs, Techno caught up to him and snatched him off the ground. Which resulted in the younger screaming. Techno sped into Tommy's room and locked him down on the bed. For a split second, they looked each other in the face. Tommy having a dead serious face and Techno having a sinister grin for his plan which was about to commence. Techno started tickling Tommy, Wilbur joining in as soon as he got there. Tommy was laughing his head off to the point he couldn't breathe. So he flailed his arms around, trying to push his two brothers off of him. Being stuck underneath two people much heavier than him, he failed miserably at this task. Clutching the edge of the bed with his feet, Tommy quickly slid out underneath them and ran into his bathroom, and locked the door. Sitting on the marble floor to catch his breath. Soon enough, he heard banging on the door and Wilbur's voice outside begging him to come out.

"Boys, c'mon, leave your poor younger brother alone. It's a natural bird gene." Phil laughed out loud. Afterwards telling Tommy to come out. The youngster came out with his wings tucked around him in order to not let anyone touch him. Well, that didn't really work as his brothers brought him to the bed and lay either side of him, once again stroking his wings. It was a peaceful thing for them all. Like a stress reliever. Philza smiled at his sons. "Also Toms, don't be embarrassed about it 'kay? It happens to the best of us bird species." Almost on cue, the small strawberry blonde chirped again. Then the cuddling trio fell asleep in each others arms. 

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696 Words. Decent amount I suppose. See, I have no plot plan, and therefore have less and less ideas the further we get into this story. I have some, but they're for like.. About present time in the lore of the smp. 

Ok, question is, Fluff or Angst next chapter?

Tommyinnit AU - TommyWingit - SBI storyWhere stories live. Discover now