Chapter 7 Pt 2 - Some new visitors

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Hi there! I finally got myself to write the rest of this chapter, sorry for being inactive for basically 2 weeks. But here you go! A 1349 word part 2. Oh god. It's so lonnng. Also sorry if it's trash uhm yeah- Imma just let ya read it now-

(The woman's name is Gertha and the mans name is Tyreese - I didn't think of names before, in last chapter, and as to not constantly put 'lady' and 'the man' I made up names for them- Also pretend they all introduced themselves)

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-Phil's POV-

I don't know what to do. I was sweating. I could try and make it to the stairs but they would get there before me. They must have already planned this out. Shit.

Trying to be as fast as possible I ripped my cloak off of my back and threw it over Gertha and Tyreese. It distracted them for a few moments as they tried to get it off of themselves only making it more difficult. Perfect.

I ran to the stairs shouting at the boys telling them to run. Wilburs room had a balcony with a zipline attached to a treehouse so I knew they would be able to make it. Immediately I heard scrambling in the room as they presumably packed essentials in a bag and then slamming the balcony door open. Wilbur went first, then Tommy and lastly Techno. I knew they would be fine. Techno could protect them in any physical situations and Wilbur knew how to survive in the wild from his past.

Then, out of nowhere, I was thrown to the side of the corridor, pushed by a pair of fiery wings. Burning me a bit in the process. I hissed as my own ashen wings and back hit the wall. I opened my eyes looking for the person who hit me. It was Gertha. Only problem was, Tyreese was nowhere to be seen. He was probably after the kids! I grabbed a nearby vase and threw it at Gertha watching her effortlessly bat it at the wall with her wing.

That split second was enough for me. I reached out my hand and whispered quickly

".htaeD fo legnA eht,em rof nopaew a nwaps efiL fo neeuQ eht teL"

Out of thin air, a scythe spawned. A thick black mist surrounded me. I grabbed the sacred weapon and immediately sliced at the woman. Not leaving any room for her to dodge. The hit got her, cutting her neck. I had no remorse. She deserved it. After all she did to Tommy. MY SON. She did nothing to help him.
N o t h i n g.

I am the Angel of Death. The one who can wipe the face of the earth if truly wanted. The one who constantly has a murder of crows following him. And also the one who married the Queen of Life. The goddess Kristin. Who can create new life with the flick of a hand. They were opposites sure, but they matched perfectly. If either was in danger, the other would help.

The wretched woman was crumbled to pieces now. Even if she was a phoenix she would not be able to reincarnate. Anything touched by the widely known Scythe of Justice was dead. For good. Forever.

Then, he heard screams outside. Wilbur. The kids were in danger!

-3rd person once again, it's easier don't blame me-

Philza bust open Wilbur's door. He flew out of the balcony doors and followed the zipline scanning for his kids and the wicked man named Tyreese. His now jet black wings beat off of the wind searching everywhere. Another scream. This time shouting something.

"DAAAD!! DAAD! PHILZA!! HELP U-!!!" It got cut off. However, now Phil knew where his children were. He swooped down, the coaly mist still following him.

Just as Philza was about to tackle Tyreese, the man jumped behind a tree, clearly hearing him coming down through the trees.

Just then did Phil realise how gruesome the scene had become in this part of the woods.
The sight was horrible. Techno was laying on the ground passed out from being presumably thrown at a tree, his head was bleeding and his knee was bent in an awkward way, most likely broken. Then there was Wilbur, he was next to Techno trying to bandage him up. He himself has several punch marks on his face and a red mark on his neck. Telling Phil that Tyreese had tried choking him. Phil's eyes then landed on the tall figure, and a smaller one limp, being held by his wings up in the air. Tommy.

Anger bubbled inside Phil. Crows began to circle above the five. The Angel of Death sensed that Techno was nearing the line which separated life and death.

If he went to save Tommy, Techno would die, but if he went to help Techno then the man used to be known as Tommy's father would most likely kill the young blonde.

Then a new presence appeared. One which shone in purity and love. She too came to help. The Queen of Life herself, Kristin. As soon as she came, Phil knew she would take care of Techno. While he could take care of the monster who was holding his youngest son hostage. Wilbur was still a bit panicked but calmed down. He had met Kristin before. He knew she was the goddess of Life, Techno was safe, but was Tommy safe too?

Tommy was hanging onto his last piece of consciousness. He was vulnerable. Being held by his wings right where they joined onto his back. The grip was strong. As Tommy became slightly more aware of his surroundings he realised he was being used as a hostage. By the person who had tormented him basically his whole life. Then the young phoenix looked up, to the sight of both a seemingly never ending void mist and a white light bright enough to blind someone if stared at for too long. Then he noticed the figures in those two things. A man and a woman. The man he recognised as Philza and the woman he did not know.

Philza took a weary step forward. Tommy's tired and pained eyes widened and he screamed out loud enough for the whole forest to hear. One second he was being held by his wings and the next he was on the floor with a foot in between his wings, holding him down, along with two hands on both the wings, their grip tightening each and every second. Tommy could feel salty tears run down his cheeks. Wow. This brought back horrid memories. The boy hadn't cried ever since he ran away from the abusive 'home' he used to live in.

Tommy's pained screams made Kristins and Philzas hearts break into a million pieces. They couldn't do anything, apart from hope that the cruel beast would leave their son with minor injuries. Although that had a very slim chance of happening.

Tyreese had a smug grin on his face. He knew he was safe. If the Angel of Death tried to slash him with his scythe, then he would hit Tommy in the process as well. And if he tried to move towards them, then more suffering would be brought upon the child.

After a solid minute of silence, with no noise filling the air apart from the crows, a bone chilling CRACK was heard. . . And then a scream. A scream even louder than the one before. Even more heart breaking. Even more in pain. The scream was sometimes interrupted with sobs. CRACK. . . another one. The scream died down. With nothing but sobs filling the air now.

Crimson red blood poured down the boys back. His once baby blue wings laid beside him, being coated in the red. The pain made Tommy pass out, a trail of tears still flowing. The man who did this had disappeared into thin air. Wilbur and Techno had awoken to the sound of Tommy's screams, they were both too scared to look at what had happened to their brother. Philza and Kristin were sobbing. The black mist evaporated while the white light only shone brighter. The goddess ran up to Tommy and started the healing process on his back. She could not bring back the wings. Unless they grew back themselves. 

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Also quick note-
Thank you all so fucking much for 2k reads, I did not expect to get this much attention and i may or may not be freaking out about it.
It is midnight and I'm hyper. Shiiit-

Tommyinnit AU - TommyWingit - SBI storyWhere stories live. Discover now