Secret Love (Barbara Morse, aka Mockingbird)

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"Ooh. That's a nasty cut. Here, this should hold it..." Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man was on a rooftop with his current partner Barbara Morse, also known as Mockingbird. She had received a slightly deep cut so to try and remedy the pain, Peter used his web-shooters to make her a web-headband that will keep blood from escaping and anything from entering the wound.

"Ow! Peter!" Bobbi yelled in pain. She closed one eye at the sudden pain her partner's webbing made upon it touched her wound. She saw how Peter flinched a bit, probably blaming himself about getting her hurt in any shape or form. She then smiled slightly, trying to communicate with him to tell him that even though it hurt, that she was alright. Her blue eyes met with his hazel eyes, which she could see that were full of guilt.

"Sorry..." Barbara sighed, hearing Peter's apology. He was way too good for her. Way better than Clint that was for sure. At least with Peter she knew that she wouldn't receive the biggest horns of history. If something happened, it was always because of something related to his Spider-Man persona. Which was something she could understand as their hero persona probably had more communication with others than their own civilian persona. Barbara gave Peter a weak but beautiful smile, trying to calm him down a bit.

They stayed silent for a while. Peter was focused on protecting Barbara's wound on the head, while Bobbi was smiling all the way... looking straight at his eyes. Their partnership with each other was professional and intimately at the same time. And because of this, they managed to get into unexpected silences in many ways, because they didn't know what to talk about with each other. This was something that Peter had noticed from the second time it happened.

"I put out a call to everyone I could, we got to put together some kind of resistance" Barbara stated, trying to tell Peter about what she was about to do. They needed all the help they could get, and she really wanted Peter's help with this matter. There was no one else that she trusted right now more than Peter. The relationship they have made her see things clearly for the first time in her life. Something she should have noticed sooner with all the teases she did to him in the past. "What do you say?"

"I can't. Not right now" Peter hated telling Bobbi those words. And he was starting to regret them at her astonished face. But he couldn't help it, he had to stop someone else. Someone who had become way more dangerous because of who he is affiliated with at the moment. He knew that she would understand, she always did. That is why he loves her so much, something he has to express to her more. He should tell her that all the time he can. "Doctor Octopus is back, and he is gunning for Parker Industries"

"No. Nuh-uh" Bobbi shook her head in negation. She couldn't believe that Peter would just abandon the world just to face one of his villains from the animal kingdom. Sure, she knew that Octavius was a dangerous man, but millions of lives were at stake on her mission. Couldn't he see that they really needed him there?! That she needed him there... "This is way more important"

"Bobbi... Ock's working with HYDRA" Peter stated, making Bobbi's eyes widen slightly in shock. He knew that she would understand. And while he wanted to be with her on her mission to save the world, he needed to stop Octavius and HYDRA. He couldn't let them do what they please. He wouldn't allow that, not on his watch. He just lowered his face, an unspoken apology for his partner.

"What?" It was now Barbara's turn to want to be with Peter. She needed to help him with this! Octavius was a dangerous man before, but with HYDRA backing him up?! Peter wouldn't be able to survive alone! She needed him in her life, while not the perfect life she expected... It has brought her a blessing in the name of Peter Parker, also known as the amazing Spider-Man. But she couldn't... She couldn't abandon the world. It was her job to protect it.

"They must see Parker Industries as a threat. Last week we used it to liberate a country" Peter tried to guess HYDRA's motives, and more importantly... Octavius' motives. He needed to have a clear head to actually fight against not only Doc Oct, but HYDRA as well. And he knew that he would not have any back up because Steve was unavailable at the moment, something that was, apparently, above his pay check. He made his own paycheck for crying out loud! "Or maybe they think it's an asset" Peter also suggested, remembering that he technically was not the original owner of Parker Industries... Octavius was, even if he was possessing his body. "Imagine on top of everything, if they get their hands on my company. My tech-"

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