1. "Hello?"

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Your from a unknown AU, but instead of being blank like some new AUs, it was pitch black (like the void).

You were the only survivor...of what exactly? Your memories were fuzzy. All you could remember was waking up here...alone. Scared.

Y/N - Your Name

N/N - NickName

F/C - Favorite Color

F/F - Favorite Food

I'm also referring "Blue" as Swap, since canonically that's his name.

There's also some cursing so don't kill me-

You gasped suddenly. Where were you...who are you? You looked around, seeing nothing but blackness. Something in the back of your mind told you this wasn't normal. But how could you know? You've never experience something like this. You reached out into the darkness, startled by your hand. You turned it over and back, noting that your not a monster...but what did that mean? You saved that information for later, hoping to worry about it another time. A creeping fear suddenly seemed to crawl into you, causing you to panic.

"H-hello? S-someone help! Please!" You called into the emptiness, your voice growing in pitch by the second, "P-please.."

You curled into a ball, overwhelmed by fear. A sudden light in the corner of your eye attracted your eyes. You nervously looked up to find yourself face to face with a skeleton. You scream and back up, scared as heck.

"Woah woah! It's ok! I won't hurt you!" The skeleton spoke. You had to be going crazy, a talking skeleton?

"W-who are you?" You asked, your voice trying to get rid of the stuttering.

"I'm Dream, the Guardian of Positivity! I just felt a lot of negativity from over here," He then took a quick glance around, "No wonder."

He stretched a hand out, "Come on, we need to go before...someone else...comes." You were hesitant. Were you dreaming? No this all felt way too real. You slowly grabbed his hand. You were surrounded by yellow light as Dream teleported. You let out a small yelp, not expecting that. You opened your eyes, just noticing you had them closed during the teleportation.

Dream had teleported you into a two story house. It looks cozy not gonna lie, You thought. In front of you were two more skeletons.

One of the skeletons wore a lot of blue with some armor on his shoulders. He also wore a blue scarf around his neck. The other skeleton was slightly taller than the first, wearing some brown looking overalls. You took a quick glance at his feet, seeing he wore no shoes. He also had a strap going across his body, holding many paint vials.

You noted all of this in your mental notebook. You also realized you referred them all as males, but how would you know? They're just skeletons...unless you made them up in your head.

The one in blue rushed up to you, "HELLO HUMAN! I AM THE MAGNIFICENT SANS! BUT YOU MAY CALL ME SWAP!" You coward behind Dream, not used to loud noises.

"Swap, please be a little more quiet than normal? You're scaring them." Dream said in a warming tone. Swap nodded, confirming he understood.

"Well i'm Ink, Protector of the Aus!" said the second skeleton. You gave them both a shy wave.

"Now tell me, what's your name?" Dream asked you, turning around.

You were still on the ground, so you decided to get off the ground, "O-oh i don't remember...my name..." Then a name popped into your head and you blurted it out, "It's Y/N." The trio exchanged some looks for a minute.

"Well welcome to UnderSwap Y/N!" Ink said after a couple of moments of silence. You didn't question it, cause you suddenly were overwhelmed with exhaustion. You stumbled and Ink teleported to catch you. Your eyelids closed and you were surrounded in a world of darkness.





Where were you? Back there. "Nononononono.." You mutter, seeing the familiar black void. Something was different this time around you noticed. There was the trio...fighting some other skeletons. A group of them. Your mind immediately told you that the octopus looking skeleton was the leader. You had no idea how you knew, but at the same time you didn't want to know.

Dream was fighting the leader, Ink was fighting a glitchy skeleton with error signs surrounding him and Swap was fighting three skeletons by himself. You tried to run over by instinct to help Swap, but you were frozen in place, tortured to watch the fight.

Your mind supplied you with the others' names.

Leader: Nightmare.

Crew: Error, Dust, Killer, Horror.

Former Crewmate: Cross.

You were confused where this Cross person was...then you turned around and saw him leaping towards you with his daggers.

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