Error "politely" knocked on Nightmares door. What I mean is that he knocked after he already walked in.
"What is it?" Nightmare asked, not looking up from his book.
"The kid." was all Error said to grab Nightmares attention.
"What about them."
"They were doing something weird in their sleep. Not exactly sleepwalking, but somehow in their sleep they summoned their soul. It's strange also how they spasmed like crazy when their soul was called out."
Error explained some more as Nightmare listened carefully. The behavior of Y/N was strange, come to think of it.
"Let them wander the palace." Nightmare said, trying to dismiss Error.
"You want to let them out?! They are literally our hostage. Plus they can summon a giant sword if I have to remind you."
"They seem harmless. They were practically shivering in fear with my presence."
"That's literally every monster and human in the Multiverse Nightmare."
Nightmare rolled his pupils, "Just let them out."
Error sighed and left the room to fetch the keys to the cell.
You continue staring at the ceiling for 20 more minutes. What else was there to do?
You heard footsteps and didn't bother to look up to see who it was. Then you heard the struggle of someone trying to find the right key.
You perked up and saw Error unlocking the cell. You got up and walked over to the cell door. He opened it and took a step back when you exited.
You stared at Error for a minute.
"Well you going?" You hesitate, wondering if this is a trap.
Error must of known what you were thinking, "It's not a trap." He said this with a roll of his pupils. You slowly crept up the stairs, watching Error all the way. He kept eye contact with you also, which honestly unsettled you.
You exited the dungeon into a hallway which stretched on and on. You did a quick game of eenie meeny miny moe and chose to go right.
You walk down the hallway to find some bedrooms. Each room had a symbol or something framed above the doorway. The first room you encountered had some dust in a picture frame. The second had a drawing of an axe framed above, the third had a knife, fourth had a cross, fifth had a...doll? Whatever, you kept moving. The last room was farther off than the rest. The symbol above shows an apple covered in black goop.
You peeked in the room, curious. The room had bookshelves lining the walls with a desk planted in the center of the room. The bed was hidden in the corner behind a bookshelf, barely visible.
"What do you think you're doing." Came a voice from behind you. You yell out a Yelp as you turn around to see the boss himself.
"Well um Error sort of let me out so iwaswanderingpleasedontkillme!" The last part came out all slurred together as you were starting to panic.
He just shuts the door to his room, "Just respect people's privacy all right?" You nod vigorously and half walk half run away. You reach a dead end 10 seconds later. You hear a soft chuckle from the direction where you came from.
"Wrong way~" You hear him say. You then dash past him to the other side of the hallway.
After that super embarrassing moment, you find yourself walking down the long hallway. Why the hell was this hallway so long? Only Nightmare knew. Sooner or later you find yourself in a giant open room. There was a giant couch just sitting there...and absolutely no one was in the room. There was also a TV, but you barely registered it as you made a beeline toward the couch.
Exhaustion took over your body as you collapsed onto the couch, asleep as soon as you hit the cushions.
"Hey boss, you in-" Killer was looking for Nightmare when he saw Y/N sleeping on the couch. He just stood there, wondering if he should just kill them. They somehow escaped their cell, he figured.
Then Nightmare walked into the room.
"What is-" he noticed Y/N on the couch also. He just shrugged it off, "So, what is it?"
Killer was baffled. Did Boss just ignore the human hostage that was right in front of him?
Whatever, if boss ignored her, might as well too, Killer thought.
He then asked what Nightmare what was for dinner. Nightmare then proceeded to walk out of the room.

Prisoner...? (Bad Sanses x Human!Reader)
FanfictionY/N was a human from a brand new AU...which was practically nothing. They were eventually rescued by the Star Sanses...only to be taken prisoner by the Bad Sanses. What will happen? How would they escape...if they willingly want to? This story was o...