3. "Questioning"

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"So first of all, who the hell are you? And why were you with the Star Sanses?" You were trembling as Nightmares voice made the room vibrate.

"It's Y/N." You only answered his first question. He waited patiently for you to answer his second question.

Sooner or later he moved on, "Ok Y/N. Now tell me, how the hell did you summon a sword."

You just shrugged, "Look, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure I'm hallucinating since there is a literal talking octopus in front of me." There was a snicker coming from Killer.

Nightmare glared at Killer, "Laugh one more time and I'll dust you." Killer shut up. You were curious about why Nightmare said "Dust" instead of "Kill". But you kept quiet, figuring you'll find out sooner or later.

Nightmares P.O.V

I glared at Killer as he snickered behind me. I threaten him and he shut up, much to my delight. I turned back towards the human, ready to ask the next question.

"What AU are you from, if you have any clue of what that is?" The girl called Y/N looked like they had literal gears turning in their head.

"Well the thing is I woke up in a giant black void, is that an AU?" I remember now the strong negative emotion I felt yesterday. I had teleported there, waiting to see a hopeless skeleton there. In fact, I thought I had teleported into the void. There was absolutely nothing there when I gotten there, so i figured my idiot of a "brother" had found them first.

The puzzle pieces clicked right then and there. Y/N was at the Star Sanses base. I knew I felt a slightly negative emotion coming from her!

They looked me in the eye sockets finally, "Is...is that one is? A AU?" They were very curious for a supposed 20 year old. They had the curiosity of a 5 year old child.

I sigh, "No, AU is short for Alternate Universe. All the skeletons you've seen so far are different versions of one skeleton, whose name is Sans. I'm not explaining any more shit to you, got it?" The human shook their head vigorously yes.

Nightmare then asked a flood of questions you didn't know the answer to. You never asked a question back to him, afraid of what the consequences were. You were eventually led back to the dungeon cell.

You stared at the empty cell more than once, wishing there was more stuff in there. The place reminded you too much of "home."

Later another skeleton brought you food. This skeleton wore a hood over his head and had a red scarf around his neck. His right pupil was red while his left was red with blue in the middle. Your mind supplied his name, Dust. Your eyes shifted to the knife in his belt.

He noticed this, "What? Interested in my knife? Well you ain't gonna get it kid." You silently fumed at him for calling you a kid as he walked away.

You stared at the ceiling for a few more hours.





You sat up suddenly, like someone had spooked you. The area you were in wasn't the cell; it was the void. Again. You close your eyes again, trying to calm the panic in your chest. But why were you scared? That's the question that's been tickling your mind for the past few hours in the cell.

You opened one eye, seeing nothing but blackness. Something moved in the corner of your eye. Panicking, you scurry backwards, your back hitting something hard.





You wake up back in the cell, your back against the cool cement. Another skeleton was at the cell again, yelling at you.

"Kid, can you hear me?" His voice was glitchy, like a old record playing sort of.

You nod your head.

You hear him walk off.

"I need to tell Nightmare this." Error mumbled to himself.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I've been busy so I haven't had really anytime to type this. Well bi!

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