Only after Killer had returned from his mission did he realize what he did. He looked Y/N in the eyes. Shit. He hoped boss didn't see him doing that. The mission was easy, spread some negativity in a positive AU so that Nightmare could destroy it from there. Killer thought back to the scene with him and Y/N and remembered that Nightmare had been walking down the hall while Killer was still looking in Y/Ns eyes. Well that's not good. He was definitely gonna get killed by Nightmare sooner or later.
That night, Y/N had strange dreams. They kept seeing the child from her own hell of a nightmare, but they were making a deal with them? It didn't make sense. Then they saw monsters die many, many times. By the end of the dream, they were utterly confused. Until they saw Nightmare in the dream. It was towards the end though.
"Who the hell are you!?" Came a voice that was not their own. They were looking at the life of someone else, they realized finally.
Nightmare chuckled, "Names Nightmare. I spread negativity throughout the universe. Shockingly, I'm a less pathetic version of you, Sans. Anyways, how would you like to be called? Since there are other...yous...that I'm going to recruit."
"Sans" seemed to think about it for a minute, due to the silence that passed.
"Well?" Nightmare asked.
"Call me Killer."
Y/N woke up in a cold sweat. They only remembered some of the dream, which angered them slightly. But they had enough information to conclude that dream was Killers past. The new information slightly shocked Y/N. They couldn't believe the kind soul (pun intended) would of murdered everyone. Well, it makes sense why his name was Killer now. But he was so kind now...
They shook themselves awake and headed for the bathroom. They turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm before stripping herself. They double checked the door to make sure it was locked, of course. About 20 minutes later, they got out of the shower. Only now they realized she had been wearing the same clothes everyday. Four days straight. They'll have to look for spare clothes later. Anyways, would there be any spare clothing in a house full of skeletons? Who knows.
Y/N exited their room quietly, not wanting to wake others if they were still sleeping. They also realized Nightmare just...let her use the room. Well, as random as it was, they brushed it off. Speaking thinking of the devil, Nightmare was right behind them.
"Well hello there, Y/N." Y/N turned around to face Nightmare. They tried making eye contact with his one eye, but he kept avoiding their gaze each time. They wanted to find the past of this goopy ass skeleton, and according to their dream last night, they're true. Partly. And Killer was the only one they had made eye contact with the previous day. So boom, theory made.
Y/N crossed her arms, "Hello to you to. Is it normal for everyone else to be sleeping past 11?-"
"Unfortunately yes." Nightmare looked around the hallway for some weird ass reason, "I'm surprised you haven't question that we haven't killed you yet."
"I don't question things. They happen." Y/N said, "If you wanna go deeper, things happen in the universe all the time. Black holes, for example. Part of nature, somewhat. Can't stop them. You for example, are nature. There ain't no stopping you." Where the fuck had they learned all of that? They don't know. Popped in their head, like every other thing the past couple days.
Nightmare smirked, "Yeah, guess you're true about that." He looked back at Y/N after looking around the hallway for no damn reason. His eye made contact with Y/ns E/C eyes by accident. Fuck. He immediately turned away, but the creeping sensation that Killer and Horror had felt didn't affect him. Maybe he turned away too fast so they weren't able to mimic his magic? No. This feeling was weird. It still was a crawling feeling, but it was heading to his head. Yeah, major headache was going to come sooner or later.
"Nightmare? You good?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. Nightmare was standing there for a few minutes without doing anything. Plus, according to his face, he blanked out.
He nodded, "Yeah, just tired still. I should be going. Cya 'round the castle Y/N." With that, he left. Disolving into the ground as a goopy black puddle, which eventually disappeared. Y/N had never seen Nightmare do that, so let's just say, they was sort of freaked out.
"Damn, is he like, a liquid solid?" They mumbled to themselves. Welp, they made the eye contact at least. Now to wait to sleep. Which would be a while, since they had literally just woke up. Ah fuck it. They went back into her room and plopped down on the bed. Sleep came instantly, surprisingly.
This chapter was sort of cringe, ngl.

Prisoner...? (Bad Sanses x Human!Reader)
FanfictionY/N was a human from a brand new AU...which was practically nothing. They were eventually rescued by the Star Sanses...only to be taken prisoner by the Bad Sanses. What will happen? How would they escape...if they willingly want to? This story was o...