21. "Talk."

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You managed to stifle a scream as the being behind you started to tighten their arm around your throat. Wow, when the hell are you going to get a break? You start to sputter and cough into the hand, black surrounding your vision. The person gave out a creepy giggle as they continued to strangle you into unconsciousness. You go limp, eyes closing. Well, there's your break.

Chara hummed as they unlocked the PLAYER from the chokehold, satisfied. They would murder them right now, but they need the human. Revenge is one thing, but use is another. In the blink of an eye, they were gone with the other human in tow.

A knock came on the door. Then another. Then he went fuck it and kicked the door down.
"Heyo, you in he-" He started, plate of food in hand. Killer frowned as he saw nobody was in the room, plus the bathroom was open so that confirmed everything. Boss had said the human was in here. Boss never lies (well, that's a lie. Wow, hypocrisy). Killer put the plate of food down on the dresser, deciding to look in every spot imaginable. Even under the bed. No sign at all. He sighed, gaze resting on the bed. The covers and blankets were messed up. They weren't before, he was sure of that. Looked like some sort of struggle happened.

Killer quickly connected the dots, shortcutting to Nightmare's office.

You woke up. However it didn't feel like it, as when you opened your eyes, darkness surrounded every corner as far as you could see. Oh. Oh dear god. It reminded you of the "AU" you had woken up in with no recollection at all, no end in sight. A child suddenly appeared in front of you, and you had to blink to be able to focus on the foreign thing to a place like this. Well, besides you. Your mind finally hurdled itself forward as you felt your arms and legs detained to a chair, wrapped up tightly with rope.

You tried to struggle yourself out of it, out of pure panic. After all, you were getting kidnapped, you motherfucker. The child tsked as they held you still, a seemingly disappointed look on their face.
"I really didn't want to do this, truly. But!- You have made our lives suffer in semi traumatic ways, so it's only fair I do the same to you," They strolled away to some table, confident that you would stay still, "You did manipulate us, in a way. Of course, you thought that we were just characters in a game, so I don't blame you." They rolled over a board, which you realize was right behind the table.

"Hated that I had to beat the ever loving daylights out of you. You players always shift the blame to me when it's you guys causing all the chaos to Frisk." They sigh, motioning to the board, full of pictures of save screens, "Those look heccin familiar? Better be. Oh yeah, did I mention that your powers are utterly useless here in the void? Yeah. So don't 'mimic' my powers like the godling you somehow are. Gotta rid you of those pieces of shit-" Chara muttered. "Annnnyways! You're here for a lil old discussion from me about all the harms you made on the world. Plus I need to double check that the damn spell actually worked because you NEVER trust strangers who offer to make weird deals with you- and I've said too much MOVING ON-"

They cleared their throat, "Supposedly, you come from out of the game. Do you have any recollection of before that? Or...before being sent into this giant multiverse?"

You shake your head. You...have no memories. None at all. The only memories you had were the mini flashbacks every now and then, which were...odd.

"Assuming you have flashbacks then. If it comes with interacting with the Sanses, I'm not surprised. Pretty sure you've...been here. More than once. Just...memory's been wiped each time. Which I don't even get. But then the Sanses would surely remember right?" They paused, like giving you a moment to answer. You open your mouth to say something but just get interrupted by the child, "Exactly. It doesn't make sense. So there is some outside force causing this loophole to happen over and over again, and my guess is X-Gaster, which is impossible at the same time because I made the deal with-"

...they shut their mouth, "...I talk too much. Fuck, why do I have you here again? Hostage? No. Oh. Wait. Fuuuuck I just had it!-" They started pacing around, trying to remember what they were going to do with you.

You were just honestly confused out of your mind. X-Gaster? Who is he? Name rang a bell, but one in the far backs of your mind. Your hands find the knot binding your hands, starting to slowly unravel the rope. There's one thing about all kids: they're terrible at making effective knots. You didn't even think about doing this when they were rambling, surprisingly. Dumbass. You quickly get the feet undone, tackling Chara to the ground.

"Ack!- FUCK!-" They cursed, being pinned down to the ground by you. You raise a fist to punch them but falter. Chara looked back up at you with fear, their red eyes small in terror. You- you couldn't hurt a damn child. That's child abuse! And well...that was morally wrong. But- this kid kidnapped you-

Chara made no move to fight back, closing their eyes and quickly accepting defeat. Instead of feeling a punch, they opened their eyes to see you had gotten off of them, groaning.

You look at them, "Dude. I can't hurt you, even how morally wrong and insane you are. You're still a child-" You got up and started wandering the void, fear creeping under your skin still. You hated the feeling. Maybe it's because you woke up in a vacant and liminal space that gave you the fear. Maybe it was some trauma you don't remember. Maybe it's some past event, wiped clear from your memory by whoever this Gaster person was.

"Look, I'm going to wait around until my 'knights in shining armor' come and get more, or you return me back to my semi-home." You call out to the Chara, walking further and further into the darkness, away from the child. Soon enough, a familiar sound rang through the darkness. A portal opening. Out came Nightmare with Killer.

Nightmare looked around, expecting to find some sort of captor nearby. Maybe it was a trap, he thought. But no. You had wandered so far into the void, Chara and the stuff they had with them had faded from view completely. Nightmare approached you slowly, not sure if it was really you.

"Just take me home." You mutter facing him. You really had enough of this shit. You just wanted to kick back, relax, finally enjoy some inner peace. Please. You don't want all this information, your never have. Nightmare nods, being silent as he teleported you, Killer and himself back to the castle.

He had teleported you into your room, while he made himself and Killer scarce. You look at your hands as you sat on the bed, groaning. You buried your face in your hands, wishing you didn't have these damn powers anymore. Hell, what were they even for? Why did you have them? You didn't ask for them- or did you? Too much. It's all too much. You need sleep. A shower. Good food. You tucked yourself under the covers, praying that nothing steals you away this time. Thankfully, nothing did as sleep overtook your thoughts and mind.

For once Nightmare feels guilty about his decision making. Should he use them as a resource for battle? They had seemed so broken as they looked at him, saying they wanted to come back. He won't deny it, they're growing pretty damn well to Nightmare. Like how everyone else in the gang grew on Nightmare the longer he knew them. It pained him to see the human look so defeated. It worried him a bit.
He was starting to doubt that they would willingly follow his plan, even if they didn't trust the stars. They most likely wouldn't trust themselves. He shakes his head. He's coming to conclusions too quickly. He has...a tendency to do such a thing. He gets up from the chair behind his desk, leaving the room, a piece of paper he's been staring at for hours laying upon it.

A Peace Treaty.

Prisoner...? (Bad Sanses x Human!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now