You honestly didn't want to leave the comfort of your bed. For all you know, you were still prisoner here, and sooner or later you were going to die. Besides, the door was probably locked still. Just to try, you walk over to the door and turned the knob. It opened. You took a step back in surprise, letting a small gasp out. It honestly surprised you that the door was unlocked. You poked your head out the door and heard noise coming from the main room.
Curious, you walk out of your room down the hallway. The noise grew louder as you near, it seemed like shouting. What were they shouting...? Mama Noot? You stood in the entry of the main room, watching the chaos.
Everyone but Error was calling Nightmare "Mama Noot". Killer was teleporting all around Nightmare as Cross, Dust and Horror surround him.
"FINE! I'll tell you." Nightmare snarled. You let out a soft giggle as the gang still continued a little after he agreed to tell him whatever that something was.
Everyone's heads snapped towards you, making you freeze in place. "Erm, hi? Morning?"
The happy demeanor that was there vanished and was replaced by murderous skeletons once again.
Horror looked at you...hungry. You took a step backwards in fright, worried for your own safety. Nightmare shoved a tentacle in front of Horror and pushed him back. He glared at Horror before taking a look at you.
"Morning." He grumbled. He walked off without another word, holding Horror with a tentacle.
"Come on slow pokes, we're going." He didn't specify where, but you assume he meant the gang. He did. He didn't motion to come or anything, so you just stand in place, with the memory of the Bad Sanses laughing.
Nightmare was not in a good mood. He barely slept last night, plus the gang annoying got him even angrier. He led the gang into the meeting room, shutting the door and locking it behind him.
"So what's the deal with the human Boss?" Horror glanced at Nightmare.
"First, negativity battery, second, they're more powerful than any of us." A few non-existent eyebrows shot up.
"It would be a waste to kill such a tool." Nightmare grinned, "They can mimic all of our abilities, if nobody noticed. I sort of doubt they can mimic mine, but we just have to wait and see."
Error hung in his hammock on the ceiling, "Which also is terrible if they decide to go join the Star Bitches instead."
Nightmare sighed, "True, but they can't even escape this place. They need to be able to teleport or make portals."
"Nightmare, you just had one of your dumb moments. They can mimic our abilities, remember?"
Nightmare sent a glare at Error before continuing, "If we can convince them the Star Bitches are the bad guys, maybe they'll stay. They have nowhere else to go but to their destroyed AU." Cross winced slightly, but Nightmare felt the negativity rise in Cross.
"Big question Boss, they've never seen us use our attacks, how exactly can they mimic them?" Came a voice from across the room. The voice belonged to Dust.
"Killer, Horror, explain your encounters."
Horror and Killer explained to everyone else how Y/N mimicked their attacks: by staring them in the eyesockets.
"So what, we just wear blindfolds all day and hope for the best?" Scoffed Cross.
"Just don't stare at them directly in the eyes. At. All."
"You got it boss/Nightmare" Everyone said in unison.
You had traveled to the second floor and was introduced to a giant gaming room. Games lined every wall. Old arcade games, newer ones, a giant TV that was connected to a few different consoles, even a VR set.
You didn't hesitate at all, and had gotten to gaming as soon as you found the room...which was 20 minutes ago.
You were playing the Tomb Raider shooter game when you heard a cough from behind. You get a game over and turn around to find Error standing behind you.
"Who told you you could be up here?"
You gulped, "It was just here waiting for someone to play?"
Error sighed, "Whatever, it's not like anyone uses this place except Cross and Epic. Just don't break anything, they're a pain in the ass to fix." Error teleported away, leaving you to your gaming.

Prisoner...? (Bad Sanses x Human!Reader)
FanfictionY/N was a human from a brand new AU...which was practically nothing. They were eventually rescued by the Star Sanses...only to be taken prisoner by the Bad Sanses. What will happen? How would they escape...if they willingly want to? This story was o...