Chapter 12 - Found?

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Ayla and Aizawa greeted everyone, it warmed Ayla's heart to see Eri smile. She hadn't known her very long but she cared about her happiness. There were times when Eri would look at Ayla and start crying but Ayla refused to ask and only embraced her. She took her seat between Aizawa and Hizashi.

"Sorry we're late Hiz, I had a small wardrobe malfunction."

"No worries beautiful, I love this dress though. The blue brings out your hypnotizing purple eyes." He took her hand and kissed it.

"You're just saying that so I don't feel guilty." She reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He was blunt, loud and unapologetic but also the kindest person she knew.

"Kitten, are you trying to make me jealous?" He was half joking but also half serious. He grabbed her thigh tight to warn her to behave.

"Oh come now," Hizashi leaned over to look directly at Aizawa, "Do you really think I would take what's yours?" He reached up to stroke Ayla's cheek, "although I wouldn't mind if you shared."

Aizawa coughed and glanced towards Eri and her friends and whispered "That is a conversation for a later time."

Ayla was about to look down at her lap but knew not to hide and instead quipped back, "Maybe you could consider it a wedding gift, you watch my love as he takes me."

Aizawa was shocked at first but it had crossed his mind to watch her be taken by someone else. So why not that someone be his oldest dearest friend. "I guess there is no conversation to be had, it's settled. Hizashi?"

Hizashi's eyes grew dark and his grin grew at the thought of finally having his way with Ayla, "I'm game."

"Excuse us for a moment, we need to discuss something." Aizawa stood and took Ayla's hand and nodded at Hizashi to follow.

Ayla looked nervous, "Now?" But Aizawa shot her a look and she quietly followed.

He led them to the men's room. It had a lounge area, something that Aizawa had requested long ago, he wouldn't dare set foot in an unclean, below par establishment. Hizashi locked the door behind them.

"I wanted to get away from the kids for a moment. I wouldn't dare do this here no matter how nice it is. I do want to see if you are serious. So I want you to kiss him. Show me how much you want it."

"I ... but my love ... I'm your kitten."

He realized she was worried that he would think she didn't love him, "it's ok kitten, I know you're mine but I want to watch you with someone else. I want to see someone use you for their own pleasure. Wouldn't it be best if it's someone we both trust, like Hizashi?" Ayla nodded, "that's my good kitty, now kiss him. Let him feel you, just a taste for now."

Ayla took a step towards Hizashi, unsure of what she was feeling. She had only said it to make Aizawa upset and didn't expect him to agree. A knot had started to form in her gut but she knew she had no choice. She reached her arms around his neck and softly brought her lips to his. At first he kissed back softly but then she felt it. The urgency, the lust, the need he felt towards her.

Hizashi grabbed her by the waist and pushed her against the wall. Grinding his pelvis into hers and he deepend the kiss. He put his knee between her legs forcing her to spread them. Her hands coming down to his chest so that she wouldn't feel like she was being crushed by his desire. She knew what was coming and she just hoped the disgust she was feeling wasn't showing. His hands found their way underneath her panties and his nimble fingers found their way to her pussy so fast. She prayed she was wet enough to be convincing.

"Oh yes, Aizawa she is a treasure."

"Ok not too much Hizashi. I said a taste not the meal."

"That's what I'm trying to do, taste her." At that moment he put his fingers in his mouth and moaned. "She's so sweet. We will have to have a full day because I want to take my time and savor this meal."

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