Chapter 10 - Creep

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Aizawa was securing Ayla to the harnesses that would keep her restrained, "We could have done this the easy way but since you want to act like an animal you'll be treated like one. I'm going to break you, have Eri fix you and then break you again. You saw how she was able to take his name right off you. Let me tell you this kitten ... no, I mean BITCH. I will have her remove each memory with your precious DABI out of your mind."

Ayla stopped struggling and looked at him in shock.

"Oh you decided to listen or is it that you don't believe me? How about a small test then. Wait here." Aizawa left chuckling.

Ayla started to struggle again thinking that there was no way someone could erase memories. That would be pure evil, only a monster would do something like that. Her wrist started to wiggle a little more, she would have to be smarter when she got free this time. Just as her hand started to become free the binds readjusted and got tighter on her wrist.

"Such a naughty pet, still trying to get free. Time to teach you what happens when you misbehave. Eri, just start with her recent memory."

Eri slowly walked up to Ayla but afraid to make eye contact. She had been crying. "Please. Please, I don't want to do this Papa."

"Do it Dove, you know I don't like to repeat myself."

"But Papa, it's not right. I .." there was a scarf around her mouth.

Aizawa was now face to face with Eri and backed her up until they were right in front of Ayla. "Eri, I don't like hurting you. This is your last chance. Erase her memory or you will be punished."

Ayla started to thrash to get his attention.

"You wish to speak? Fine," he removed the ballgag from her mouth, "Speak."

Ayla took a few breathes, "Eri look at me please." Eri stiffened but looked at her. "It's ok, take it. Please, don't put yourself in harms way for me. You can take it. Go ahead."

Eri looked at her and was that pity she say in Ayla's eyes? No, she saw protection, kindness and ... love? This women that didn't even know her looked at her the way her father use to when she was a child. Eri nodded, "I'll warn you, it isn't pleasant. You are losing a part of your heart and soul when it's true love being removed."

"ERI!" Aizawa growled, "Just do it, NOW!"

"Go ahead Eri, it will be ok." Ayla gave her a reassuring smile.

Eri put her hands on either side of Ayla's head at her temples and held her gaze. Slowly she felt her power spill into Ayla's mind.

Ayla gasped as she started remembering, the last night before all this happened. They were in bed and Ayla was singing to Dabi, the memory started playing like a movie reel.

"Now that I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close, don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know"

"You have a wonderful voice, I could listen to you sing all night." Dabi held her close on his chest.

"I think you should sing for me." She tickled his side.

He jumped and grabbed her hand pulling it to his lips and kissing each finger, "You don't want to here me sing, besides I can't."

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