☁︎︎Stormy thoughts☁︎︎

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Feeling kinda concerned for the squad. Sora shakes it off and decides to take a break.

No one's POV

He didn't want to think about it. But deep in himself. He felt like a bad replacement.

Drake, was a old person from the squad. His color was also blue. He left the squad to fulfill his dream and went to college. He played the role as "the twin brothers" with Zach. Sora also heard a rumor that Jade and Drake had something going on before he went out on his own.

Some viewers and people in the squad doesn't like Sora because of that. He is the new blue boy in the squad, but no one really seems to appreciate it. Sora can't really do anything about it. But recently the squad have been talking about Drake a lot. Perhaps, it's that what makes them so annoyed towards Sora?


Sora sat by his computer playing some games because of him waking up earlier. He had nothing else to do, so he decided to do that before anyone else in the squad went online.

Sometime later, after some rounds of playing. He saw that Jax went online and joined his game. He didn't notice it until Jax walked towards him. The cyan haired boy tried to come up with the best possible thing to say. But nothing really came to mind.
Sora decide he didn't want to deal with this right now. So he left the game and closed his computer.

It was about 11am and Sora went to change and brush his teeth so he could go outside for a bit.
After that he checked his phone if somebody had texted him. But no notification did he have. He opened his front door and felt the warm breeze.

It was summer, but it was a windy day. So Sora decided to take his cyan scarf and went outside.

The flowers were in a pretty pastel color and he saw many people babbling and walk around. It was a beautiful day indeed. Walking down the street he saw many full grown trees wagging in a melody. He put his hands in his pockets and continued to walk.

While walking, Sora had many things on his mind.
•"His rivalry with Jax": Recently many people have begun to ship Soraxx (aka Sora x Jax). And me and Jax have begun to flirt instead of fighting nonstop. Alex told us that instead of fighting, we could flirt for more viewers. That was good idea, i guess. We have begun to catch more viewers attention because of that. But little do they know that I actually start to catch feelings for that redhead. I don't want to ruin anything between us. I like how we flirt with each other. But he doesn't know that i actually mean somethings I say.
•Being a "replacement" for Drake: It really bothered him to see some people miss Drake, or for example thinking him and drake are same person. Drake left to fulfill his dream. Why do they still compere him to me(Sora)?
•What happened yesterday: He assume everything was just a harmless joke. But something.. just made him feel... unwanted. Something made him feel like he does not fit in anymore. It wasn't a feeling he wasn't familiar with. He had felt this a lot of time before. But just now. Just in this moment. Was the worst time of them all. He felt so bad about it. That he wanted to quit the squad. "They wouldn't care anyways" , circled around his head a millions of times.

He looked up to see a large amount of people around a huge fountain. The water ran down the stream forming like a heart. He couldn't help but feel the pressure of the people he cared about, just don't actually appreciate him. Tomorrow, he planned to apologize for his behavior last night. He hoped they would forget it fast. Even though he wouldn't.

Sora walked in to a cafe with orange sparkles. The cafe had autumn themed chairs and tables, and the plants had small orange leafs on them. He walked up to the cashier.

Sora's POV

"Welcome to Storm-Wind coffee! What would you like to order?" The cashier said excitedly. She seemed to like her job.

"Can I get a strawberry cupcake?" I said frustrated. I didn't mean to sound so frustrated."Ooh! Can I get a juice too?" I quickly added before she had the time to open her mouth.

"Of course! Which juice would you like?"

"Is there any orange juice left?"

"Yes! It will be 13."

I paid for my things and went to a table near the windows. The table had a mini tree with orange, red and yellow leafs. And the chair had a orange leaf on the backrest. The cafe were really relaxing. It smelled like leafs who have fallen from their trees. And a beautiful melody of old classic music.

Even tho this cafe were so attention taking. I couldn't take my mind of Jax and the squad. I rested my head on my hand. I looked outside the window and saw a group teenagers walking and laughing. Two people in the group started to run chasing each other. I sighed and took a bite of my cupcake.


I finished my cupcake and my juice and walked outside. It was still very windy. I was about to fly away. I looked back and forth many times before I begun walking. I wanted to make sure if no one I knew were there. As I walked I felt a strong wind. It was hard to walk and I got cold on my face. So I snuggled my face in my scarf.

I continued to walk down the street. I take my phone out of my pocket and noticed how much the clock was. "4pm...". I thought for myself. "I must have stayed at the cafe for a long time, huh". I started heading back to my house when I suddenly bump into something.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said worried if I hurt the person.

"Watch where you're going, prick" I hear a voice say and I felt a punch on my right arm.

"Ow..." I say and take a hold of my arm.

"What did you say?!" Says the unfamiliar voice.

"I didn't say anything..." I start to walk again to avoid trouble.

"Where are you going?!" I felt a grip around my wrist and I almost fell to the ground.

"Get off me!!" I shout so some people look our way.

"Shut up you blue haired boy!" The person takes a hard grip on my wrist. Suddenly it started to rain. We both looked at the sky and then back at each other.

"D**NIT!" The man says angrily and grabs my other hand.

"Don't touch me!" I shout at him.
Some people started to gather up around us.

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