⚔︎⚆Kitchen jokes⚈⚔︎

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"Arent me and Sora close..."

"I thought he told me everything."

"I knew something were off...."

"Some why I feel betrayed."


A loud crash came from the glass when it touched the ground. Many glass pieces laid on the floor far apart from each other.

"Are you alright, Jax?!" Light yelled as he put down his phone on the counter. He rushed around the island to help me. I then heard rapidly footsteps behind the island.

"What is happening?!" I hear Zach yell from the other side of the kitchen.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" I shout back, not wanting people to worry. I put my hands up in the air as I stood frozen beside the broken glass.
Despite what I said, Zach ran over to Light who tried to pick the pieces up. After some seconds, Alex and Jade walk in.

"I heard a crash, what's going on?" Jade questioned and walked inside. As I still stood frozen, I watched Light and Zach try to pick up the pieces. When they realized it would be hard, Zach moved away to the next room to retrieve a broom.

"I'm fine guys! Don't worry!" I said and kneeled down to Lights level. "I can take care of this. It was me who did it anyway."

"So I guess it's a false alarm?" Alex said as she took Jade's hand, ready to drag her out the kitchen.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I answered with a bitterness in my voice. Zach then came back with a broomstick.

"Sorry he 'shattered' your expectations." Light said and stood up.

"Oh my god." Zach facepalm as he walked towards us. We all begun to laugh at the joke.

"That was a good one, not gonna lie!" Jade got out while laughing her lungs out. She soon fell on the ground and cried.

"Comeon, it wasn't THAT funny!" Alex still laughed, but said with an angry tone. Alex helped Jade up as she was still laughing, and dragged her out the kitchen.

"Sorry about that guys.." We calmed down and I apologized for breaking the glass. "The food is soon done, though!"

"What made you trip the glass?" Zach asked me and stared at the food I was making.

"He made the glass do a backflip." Light laughed at his own joke and walked towards a seat beside the island.

"That would be cool!" I shouted and we laughed once again.

"No, but like seriously, what happened?" Zach asked again waiting for the truth.

"He 'blanked' out." Light joked once again and I chuckled at his lame joke.

"Light just shut up!!" Zach yelled at Light angrily and picked up a kitchen knife.

"Nooo, spaRE meE!" Light yelled back at the pink boy and covered his mouth. Zach then suddenly started to laugh.

"I heard that voice crack!" Zach finally got out after some seconds of laughing. I then begun to laugh with Zach as Light hid his face in embarrassment.

"No, but that's what actually happened!" Light slowly came out of his hiding spot, and that "hidden spot" was behind his hands. Me and Zach ended the laughing session.
"He looked into space when I mentioned what happened to Sora."

I froze as I felt four eyes staring at me.
"Just kiss already," I hear a darker voice say and a dark haired boy walks in with a shorter white haired boy beside him.

"Welcome home!" Zach said and bowed.

"Don't be formal.." the white haired boy said as he crossed his arms.

"No, I like this" Levi interrupted and chuckled. "Finally".

"Damn you" Zach got up and stared at Levi angrily.

"Uhm... well about food, can you all help me set the table?" I didn't want to interrupt their moment but it was so awkward. You could feel the tension..

"No" everybody answered with an angry stare because I interrupted their staring contest.

"Oh no worries, I will help you!" Luca walked up to me and got some plates.

"Thank you." I sighed and he gave me a warm smile.

"When will the food be ready?"

"I'll call you" I pout and as I started to place everything on the dining table.

"I wonder what's Sora is up to..."

Sora's POV

"He can be so annoying sometimes".
I place my phone on my desk.
"That idiot...
But he is my idiot"
I smile at my own thought, and it suddenly gave me energy. I bounce out of my bed as I try to stand on the ground. I shivered because of the sudden temperature change, I had been under a warm cover all day, so it wasn't to surprise.

Today was a sunny day. Although it was late, I decided to take a walk. I grabbed my scarf and cyan coat and walked outside. As many days before, many people walked down or up the street. Either individually or not. Sadly, I attended to the team "individually". Although, I'd rather walk with somebody.

Today I walked in a different direction. My objective was at the end of the city. I thought I needed a break from reality. And this place were perfect for that job.

When I reached my goal. A beautiful huge pink tree stood and waited for me.

A 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕫𝕖 moment (𝕊𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕩𝕩)Where stories live. Discover now