☔︎︎Blue truth☔︎︎

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"Hey what are you doing?!" Shouts a stranger and walks towards us.

"Leave the poor boy alone!" Says a more familiar voice.
I turn around to see people walking towards us and I get scared.

"It's not what I looks like!" The guy holding my hand has a panicked gaze on his face."Dont step closer! My gang has a good reputation in the crimina-"
The man was interrupted by a person tapping his shoulder.
I close my eyes hard, and start to shake. "What is happening..?"

"I said, leave the poor boy alone." I feel the grip loosen and I open up my eyes.

"L-Luca and Levi?"

The man holding my wrist let go and walks away muttering angrily for himself.

"Are you alright Sora?" I look up to see Luca and Levi smiling worried at me.

"L-Luca?" I stuttered and jumped on Luca. And hugged him tightly.

"Sora, what's with you?" Luca glanced at Levi.

I slowly let go of Luca and I feel some tears escaping my eyes.

"I'm sorry.." I cover my face and try to wipe my tears.

Luca and Levi look at each other intensely and then back at me.

"Sora, do you mind telling us where you live?" Luca grabs my hand and tries to lift me up. I try to stand up but fall fast.
Luca helps me up and supports me so I can walk.


I sit on my couch with Luca beside me and Levi standing up. I feel kind of embarrassed for making so much trouble for them. I sigh and dig my face deep in my hands.

"What happened?" Luca pets my back.

"You didn't show up when we recorded either?" Levi sighed and looked at me worried.
Levi and Luca looked at each other again and the back at me.

"Sora... are you hiding something from us..?" Luca sounded really worried and frustrated. I looked up and glanced at him with scared eyes.
I sighed. "I can't run from my problems forever, can I?" I decided to tell them the truth. All about what happened yesterday and the feeling of being a bad replacement for Drake.


"Sora.... I didn't know..." Luca said that so upsetting. I glanced at him and I felt my eyes water up.

"Whoever that Drake is. I hope they forget about him and start to appreciate you more.." I looked at Levi and saw a tear. "I'm sorry for my behavior. And I don't think the squad meant to be so harsh yesterday." I looked back at Luca and saw him crying. I can't take it anymore. I let out all my tears and sadness. It was so nice to let out all of my problems. And sharing my thoughts with other living creatures.


After a while of crying I begun to think about Jax. "I wonder.. should I really tell them?".

"I....like J-Jax..." talking while crying wasn't as easy as I thought. I looked up to see Luca's and Levi's surprised faces. "They probably think I'm weird"

I take my sleeve and wipe my tears.

"I'm not surprised" Luca said while wiping his tears.

"Excuse me?" I raise my eyebrows in confusement.

"How you act towards him, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd catch feelings for him eventually." Says Levi with an confident voice.

"I..." I felt like my mind twisted a whole lap.
"You're not weirded out..?"

"Why would we be?" Luca said and stood up and walked towards the kitchen.
"You can love whoever you want!" He glanced back at me with a bright smile on his face. And winked at me.

"You can always count on us.." I watched Levi look down on his feet with a red face.
I smiled at them.

"Thank you" I stood up and sprinted to Levi and gave him a hug.

A 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕫𝕖 moment (𝕊𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕩𝕩)Where stories live. Discover now