♧︎Sugar and Salt☘︎︎

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Sora's POV

On this special day. We got Levi to cook for us. He were making pancakes, because I didn't have anything else at home. Me and Luca were sitting on the couch almost dying out of laughter.

"Shut up!" Levi pouts and watches us with an evil sight.

"Okay, okay, we will stop!" Luca shouted and kept on laughing.

"Only if you hurry up with those pancakes!" I said and watched Levi rotate his head slowly.

"Make them yourself!" He shouted and dropped everything he was holding and started to sprint towards us.

We stood up and ran across the room, screaming for help and laughing at the same time.

"The pancakes will burn!" Luca said and pointed at the pancakes.

"And so will you!" Shouted Levi while walking towards us with a kitchen knife.

"How do we burn if you stab us with a kitchen knife?!" I giggled but soon realize my mistake.

As he came closer we laughed louder and louder. And soon it became into shrieking.

"Okay, Okay I take it back, I take it back!!", Luca tried to act as good as possible to sound scared, but failed miserably.

"Thought so.", Levi said as he turned around and moved back to the kitchen. Me and Luca looked at each other and heard a giggle from the kitchen. We went back to the couch and my lips couldn't direct down in a different direction. I chuckled and we all laughed together. Again.


As the sun begun to set. We sat in my living room, and ate the pancakes Levi cooked. I don't know if they understand how much they helped me today. I have to make sure to repay them in the future.

"Luca, I think it's time for us to say goodbye.", Levi said as he stood up.

"Awwwwww, but we're having so much fun!" Whined Luca with his high voice.

"The sun has set and we have to wake up early tomorrow."

"Ugh, alright" Luca sighed and stood up as well. They walked to the front door and put on their clothing.

Sora thanked Luca and Levi for being there for him when he was at his lowest. And they were extremely happy they could help.

"I'll buy you dinner" I winked at them and they walked out the door.

"Goodnight Sora!" I heard and then the door closed.
I moved to my computer and jumped on a game.


An hour later I hear a weak melody coming from my door bell. I leave the game and decided to open the door. I thought it was Levi or Luca who had forgotten something. The door opens and I feel something jump on me. I get scared by the sudden attack and almost fall to the ground.

"SORA!" A person shouts in my ear and I feel their warm arms wrapped around my neck. I'm familiar with the voice but I wasn't sure about who it was. So I decided to call out the first name that came to mind.


"You don't know how worried I was!" I wrap my hands around the orange person. And the realized what she said.

"You were..... worried about me..?" I let out a sniff and hugged Charli tighter.

"Of course I was!" She said so enthusiastic but upset at the same time. I was in shook, both because of the sudden attack, but also because of Charli caring for me?!
I let go off her and then notice another human standing behind her.

"L-Lig-ght?" I stuttered.

"Sora! You alright?" I hear him say. Then everything went dark.


"Hey Sora you alright?" I wake up to see Jax with a worried smile on his face.

"Jax..?" I try to open my eyes slowly, but my eyes are sealed. I see small cracks of the world, but most parts are all blurred out. And nothing else but Jax.

"Thank god you're awake!" Jax hugs me tightly and I begun to blush. I hesitate a bit but then I let myself in in Jax's hug.
"I thought you'd never wake up!". He let go of me and try to make eye contact. But I declined. My cheeks shined in a shade of pink. And I didn't want him to see.

"Are you okay Sora?" I nodded but kept on trying to avoid his eyes.
"Why won't you respond with the truth?!" He shouted in my ear and took a grip on my shoulders and started to shake me back and forth.

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" I looked at him and saw him being a little red on his cheeks too. "He looks so adorable" I thought for myself out loud.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" He stared intensely at me. I froze to ice. I couldn't move my body again. "I said that out loud?"

"What, what do you mean?" I felt water run down by my forehead. "He can't find out yet."

"You said something! I'm interested in knowing what you have said to me.", Jax pushed me down on my bed, being on top of me. I knew my cheeks glowed bright pink now. "Haha"

"I-.... I can't tell you now..." I let out a sigh and try to calm myself down.
Jax then let go off me and gets up.

"So the rumor was right after all...." he places his hands in his face.
"He's perfect" I thought quietly for myself. "His soft but adorable smile, his red hair, his adorable glowing red eyes, his warm hugs, and his outstanding personality."

"Wait, What rumor?" I look away because I almost get caught checking Jax out.

"The rumor there you like me, Sora." I watch him stand up and we finally make eye contact. I saw his face. His eyebrows where directing down and his lips was making an upside down smile.

"..rumor..? What do you mean?!" I shut and I begun to feel uneasy. I felt myself start to vibrate.

"No" Was the only thing on my mind. His words kept on repeating constantly, not stopping.

"That's so 'disgusting.'"










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