⚓︎Aching dream ⚓︎

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Sora's POV

"AHHH!", I wake up and I feel tears running down my cheeks. I sit up and I look around to see my room all messed up. I sat in my bed and heard rapidly footsteps coming my way.

As my cyan hair all messed up and my eyes glowing in the dark, I spot Charli running into my bedroom.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" She walks up to me and sits beside me. Then Light storms in with a glass H2O in his hand.

"I heard screaming! Is Sora dying?!" I looked confused at him and he looks back at me. I see his expression calming down while he takes a sip of his H2O.

"Positively, he is not dead", Charli says and let out a sigh.

"What are they talking about?", I thought for myself, "did something bad happen?".

"What happened..?" I placed my hand at the back of my head and I felt my head aching.

"You don't remember?" Charli said in a shocked tone.

"In summary, you fainted". I glance at Light standing in the middle of the room taking a once a more sip.

"You were crying really much! So we took you to your bed so you'd feel more comfortable, but you wouldn't stop crying!" Charli said and placed her hand on my shoulder.

I looked at them in confusion. "That was all... a dream..?" I felt my shoulders relax a bit and my heart to beat slower. I sigh loudly making Charli and Light jump a little.

"But it also sounded like you said 'Jax' repeatedly when we carried you to your bed." Light said and I froze.

"Yeah, did you think we were Jax?" Charli says and let go off my shoulder.

"I don't know... I don't remember a single thing..." I hug my legs and feel the embarrassed crawling up my body.

"You were sleeping for a day!" Charli hugs me. "We were so worried!"
When I heard those words, I felt my lips forming a smile and I brighten up."They care about me.."

"We couldn't leave the house, so we slept on your couch, is that alright?" Light asked and yawned.

"You h-helped me... and... didn't leave even though you knew I wouldn't wake up anytime soon.." I felt my eyes making a waterfall. "How can I not be alright if you sleep on my couch?"

"No no, don't cry!" Charli hugs me tighter and I soon decide to hug her back.

"Sora, we made you breakfast!" Light says and begun to walk out of my room. "Are you hungry?"

"It depends on what it is", I glare at him and he chuckles.

"We went to McDonald's", he said and did one of his fun voices, I understand shortly after that he was joking. And light walks out.

"Don't worry, we went to the store and bought some ingredients so we could make bacon!" Charli said enthusiastically and let go off me.

My whole mind is just a bunch of "they care about me", "I am really special to them", "thank you!". I could let anything out of my mouth though. So Charli stood up and moved to the door and leaned on it.

"Don't worry, we won't say anything. Wink.", She winked at me and I begun to stutter as I tried to form words.

"T-thank yo-ou...for e-every-ything..." I place my hands on my face as I begun to feel my cheeks go red of embarrassment.

"That's what friends are for! Now come on! We made breakfast for you!" She waved at me as a sign for me to go with her.
So I stood up. I tried to walk to the door. I was about to fall sometimes, but I soon got control.

A 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕫𝕖 moment (𝕊𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕩𝕩)Where stories live. Discover now