☼⚜︎We will be reunited⚜︎☪︎

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Nobody/Third person's POV

"H-Hello..?" A familiar voice said and Jax' heart skipped a beat.

"Sora?!" Jade shouted happily after some seconds of silence trying to process who just joined.

"We haven't heard from you in ages! But you're okay, right?" Alex questioned as we heard somebody tapping on their phone.

"Yeah I'm alright... I just wanna inform you that I'm deeply sorry for leaving in the middle of a video and never said anything, neither did I contact you back later. I feel really bad. A lot have been going on lately an-" Sora got interrupted by a irritated person.

"Cant we just start the video already?" Jax complained interrupting Sora on purpose.
"We get it, you're sorry."

Everyone remained in silence for some seconds after hearing Jax' annoyed comment.

"I can't even apologize anymore?" Sora said and broke the awkward silence.

"Sure you can, I just don't want to hear it."

"Then don't listen!"

"I won't do it either."

A long silence took place again in the voice chat until Light joined.

"Hello!" Light exclaimed cheerfully. "Uhm.... Did I miss something?"

"Yes, yes you did." Zach answered Light and sighed loudly.

"Okay... Join me" Alex finally spoke and everyone obeyed her order.


They today joined murder mystery 2 (mm2). It was a long time ago since the last played it. And some fans have been recommending it. And of course they wouldn't decline. All the members joined Alex and started a game.
They always start the videos on inquisitormastars channel with Alex being the murder. But sadly, the first 3 game she didn't get it.
After some games Alex finally got murder on the map 'house'. She went into the bed room in the house map and sat on the bed. She then started the video with her ordinary line.

"Hey guys, It's Alex! And today we're playing murder mystery 2! And I'm the murder..." She walks out of the bedroom and spots Jade and Zach behind a corner yelling loudly at each other.

"And these will be my first victims!" She whispers as she walks closer to them. Jade and Zach's argument only contained yelling "you are the murder!", "no you are the murder!". Alex got really close now and was about to take out her shining knife, but before she heard a voice saying:

"You know, that's pretty sus", Levi growled from by the stairs in the living room. But Alex didn't hesitate. She took out her knife and stabbed Zach and Jade. Levi moved backwards slowly saying "Alex... we can talk about this...".

"No!" She shouted as reply and dashed towards him. Levi soon understood his fate and ran into the kitchen there Charli stood on the table dancing.

"Charli watch out!" Levi yelled as a warning for Charli, but she didn't react too quickly.
Charli let out a small scream before she got stabbed. Alex continued to follow Levi into the 'basement'.
On the way they met Sora sprinting towards them.

"Sora.. don't come this way!" Levi yelled at Sora. Sora stopped, and then saw Alex and her knife, and he began running the same way as he came from. He ran up the stairs dashing towards the corridor. Alex followed Levi up the stairs and out of the room still chasing Levi, but behind the corner she met Jax. With the gun.

"Watch out!" He shouted at them and tried to shoot Alex with the gun. But it did not go as planned. Sora had been in the way and Jax accidentally shoot him instead of Alex.

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