✿ Confronted ✿

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"Hey Zach, you want come with me to Sora's place?" Alex grabbed Zach shoulder, startling him. She jumped up and down, waiting for her boyfriend's answer. Excitment overfloading her, making the whole room shrink just a tiny bit.

"Oh, hello Princess." He looked back at his phone, trying to act as uninterested as possible, leaning on his hand half-asleep. "Why do you want to go to Sora's place?" He glanced at the sparkling girl behind him, meeting her lips against his cheek.

"Oh nothing~. I have some things I have to discuss with him." Zach turned back to his phone again, blushing at the sudden affection. He wondered what he wanted, and it wasn't any better when two eyes stared at the back of his head, it made him slightly nervous. "And it would be boring coming alone."

He let out a sigh, "Sorry Alex, I will have to pass this time."

Her smile sank lightly. "Aww alright, it's okay don't worry." She got up on her feet and she took away the hand placed on Zach's shoulder. "I'll be heading out right away! If you need anything, you know where I am."

The distance between them and the door wasn't too wide, so she reached it in no time. Opening the door to turn back, waving a bye, before walking out the door to feel the warmth surrounding her. Wondering whether taking the car or walking, Sora's house wasn't too far away, but the laziness got the best of her. She ran over to her car, jumping into the drivers seat, and began heading to the blue boy's house.

To be honest, Alex was relieved. Zach not deciding to follow was something easier for the both of them. It would become awkward if Alex tried to convince Sora he loved Jaxx, or telling them how she noticed the squad acting different, while Zach not having a clue what was going on. She'd have to explain everything to him, which was just a waste of time. Sure-- having company was something she'd rather, but it would just make everything more complicated than it had to be. So it was for the best if she did it on her own.

Taken the conclusion, Sora and Jaxx being the main disturbance, she got to get rid of it quickly. As the squad's leader, she had to decrease the amount of trouble to cure the low-spirited squad, making it a better place for both her and her friends. It was the least she could do after everything the squad had  done for her when she wasn't feeling the greatest.


She arrived at Sora's house, parked her car and bounced out of it. She glanced over the small house to see if the blue head was awake. Fortunately, a light flashed inside the house, and a shadow walking cross the window.

She stepped to the door, held her hand up to knock. She took a deep breath, before knocking on the wooden door standing in between her and Sora.
There was no turning back now.

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Footsteps were heard behind the door, and a cyan dressed boy opened it. "Alex? What are you doing here?" He said under his breath. "We stopped recording only an hour ago!"

"Hey... I have something to discuss with you. Mind letting me in?" Trying to cover the awkwardness which distracted her, she tried to face him with a big grin on her face. His gaze went up and down, before nodding.


They sat down on the couch, silent. Alex wondered how she would put all the words she wanted to say in sentences. She wanted to say a lot, yet there was nothing really to tell. She looked down on her knees taking a breath.

"How are you doing, Sora?" She finally got out to break the awkward silence. Her eyes followed up to Sora's face, his eyebrows were high, looking at her with a surprised expression. But his eyes told a different story. He looked worried, like he knew Charli had told her about what happened.

"I am doing just fine, what about you? What was there you wanted to discuss with me?" His words was sharp, almost as he could see right through her.

"I just wanted to know if you knew anything about the squad's sudden negativity?" Alex looked Sora in his eyes, and saw him getting more nervous.

"No? Have something happened? "

The blond sights, "Ever since you came back I have noticed a few things changed. As an example-- when did you and Levi become so close? Light and Charli talking half of the time as the usually did, Jaxx sneaking out every night somewhere. And I wanna know why.
As far in my investigation, I think you and Jaxx are the main reason of why some members been acting strange. Your relationship suddenly changed so quickly, I have a valid guess, but I would like to know the truth. " She paused, taking a breath out, leaning against the backrest just a little harder, just to hope to shrink in into it to hide."I also heard what have been going on the weeks you weren't with us, I am deeply sorry. I hope I can make it up to yo--" she did not finish her sentence until she heard a sniff from the couch beside her.

She glanced up to she Sora sobbing. He tried to dry the tears with his jacket sleeve. "I'm sorry. . . This is all my fault. . . " he said in between sniffs, burying his face deeper in his hands. "I don't want anyone to feel bad for me, or for what happened. I'm very, very, very, very, sorry, for all the things I've caused." He looked up from his hands, tried to form a smile, although the tears were running down his cheeks, dropping down to the floor, not being visible anymore. "I'll make it up to you!"

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