❤︎Love is a sickness❤︎

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Jax's POV

"Jax, why aren't you eating?" I hear a voice say and feel eyes staring at me. I rotate my head and see all the squad members' eyes staring at me.

"O-oh.... I'm not very hungry!" I lied and somehow they believe me. They forget it fast and change the subject. I rotate back my head to the window and continued to let my mind take me on a roller coaster.

It hurt me, knowing Sora haven't felt his best for days and haven't told me a thing. But he told the others squad members? And they didn't tell me? I glanced over at the empty seat at my left and I felt myself anger up.
I clenched my fits in anger but soon calmed down as I felt a tap on my right shoulder.

"Hey Jax, you really okay?" Levi said and looked worrying at me. I gave him a smile to let him know I was fine.
"Your smile won't fool me this time." I looked at him confused and he looked back at me worrying. I sighed knowing Levi couldn't get fooled by my terrible acting.

"Hey what are y'all flick flacking about?" Somebody said and all the squad members had their eyes on me once again.

"Cant we have a normal conversation without you having to know?" Levi answered in annoyance as he crossed his arms.

"What if we say no?" A voice said in a louder tone. They soon started to argue so I stood up and walked to my room.

I closed the door and moved to my computer when someone knocked.

"Come in!" I yelled as a pink haired emo walked in.

"We ate dinner late tonight due to 'somebody'. So we planned to record a video in just a few minutes, you in?" He said and leaned on the doorframe looking around in my messy room. The question lighten up my mood. Some break from the breaking thoughts?

"Of course! 'You can always count on me!'" I answered enthusiastically and turned to my computer trying to make my way into discord.

"Great" Zach left my room leaving me alone with the silence.

No one's POV

Today they reacted to fan videos on Zach's channel, aka ZacharyZaxor. The fans sure liked when they reacted to their videos. Everything went normally, except Jax was more calm than ever. To be more precisely, he didn't talk at all. He wasn't his normal, happy, self.

He were so calm until a Sora x Jax video got recommended to watch. It was an animated video there Jax, Alex, Zach and Sora was talking, and some seconds into the video Jax and Sora begun to argue. Sora then said his famous line 'Just shut up and kiss me!'. And the animated Jax's answer was a short sure and they begun to make out.
Jax's only thoughts was "wow", and it made his cheeks heat up and heart beat faster. Jax' hands ran through his hair who had fell down on his face and leaned back on his chair.

"No comment Jax?" Jade giggled and not more than two seconds later all the squad members begun to laugh, except Jax. Jax's mind stood still and his face glowed bright red. 'Why do I feel this way?'.

After the video Jax was embarrassed about how he acted in today's video. He didn't understand what made his heart beat faster, or what made it harder for him to breath, or his many butterflies tickling inside his stomach. Could it perhaps be... love? Nononononono. That can't be right.
Jax? Like Sora? Impossible.
"It was all just an act, right?"


The sun had already disappeared behind the trees and all the squad members snoozed. Except two. And their names was Sora and Jax.
Jax had trouble sleeping, mostly questioning what was wrong with him. He knew what love was, he have been in a amount of relationship in his life. And that feeling did he have. But who could the person who made him feel this way possible be?
Without thinking Jax grabbed his phone that was laying on his desk and decided to text Sora. He saw him being online and wanted to have a talk with him. But how would he start?
Sora had the same problem, his mind was a total mess and have tried to reach out to any of the squad members, and apologize. The first person who came to mind was the one he last spoke to. Jax. He have been staring at the screen for a long time now. Wondering how to form the perfect sentence to start a conversation. Sora wasn't used to start conversations, especially late at night.

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