⚚☙Pink stars☙⚚

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I begun walk to the huge pink tree. It was standing in the middle of a massive field at the corner of the city. And at the back a river took place. Surprised this wasn't well-known.

As I came close to the huge cherry tree I touched the stem and followed the pattern down to the ground and took a seat. A warm breeze runs through my hair and catches leafs as it makes them fly far away. I look up at the sky and see small white dots. The small dots form small figures. I sigh loudly as a memory hit my mind.


One time, not so long ago, me and this certain boy were hanging out and walked around the city. We were having a lot of fun when he suddenly wanted to show me something. He grabbed my hand and begun to ran. He was so fast, I couldn't keep up.

"Don't give up yet!" Said the boy and slowed down. "We're almost there!"

"You've said that a millions of time!" I yelled at him in between my loud pant. He stops running to turn around and look into my eyes.

"Can you stand out a little bit longer..? I really wanna show you this..." He said and grabbed both of my hands. I felt my heart skip a beat.

I nodded to answer and he started to run again. I was about to stumble on a root but I quickly got control again to not slow us down.

When we got to our destination I saw a huge field with only grass. He let go of my hand as he jumps over a fence. I look at him weirdly and hesitates to follow him.

He turns around to look at me, he made a sign for me to come, but I declined by shaking my head. He turns back again and begun to sprint further in the field.
I watch him run further and after a while I see him stop. He turns around again and raises his hands in the air as he starts to wave as a signal for me to come.

I hesitate as the boy starts to wave more intensely. I soon give my self in and tries clumsily to get over the fence. From far away I see him laugh at my clumsiness. When I finally succeeded, I begun to run to him.

When I got to him he grabbed my hand and dragged me while pointing in the air. I slowly looked at the sky and saw branches with pink leafs. I followed the branches down and saw a pink tree. It wasn't some ordinary tree, it was a cherry blossom tree.

As we got closer to the beautiful tree we sat down closely to each other. I glanced at him and saw his bright smile. That's when I knew, I was inlove with this stupid boy. He glanced back at me with his beautiful cherry eyes and we made eye contact. Those eyes I would never forget, those eyes I could stare in for hours. When I looked into his eyes I felt like I was siting in a boat in the middle of the sea. He smiled brightly at me and I stopped breathing.

"Your eyes are so pretty" he said and giggled as I looked away in embarrassment.

"I can't say the same..." I say while still looking away. He placed his hand on mine and his other hand pointed at the stars above us.

~end of flashback~

I wipe my tears on my sleeve as I smile at the old memory. I imagined him warping his arms around me while looking at the stars. I lay down on my back as I was hoping he would come and find me.

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