May you rot in hell (II)

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New York City, New York
November 14th, 2020
8:50 AM, American time


Othonos was on the phone while we entered inside, standing at his big window and looking outside.

I gave him my best 'end the fucking call or I will strangle you' look and he complied.

He nodded. "You girls are late. A day late."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You can lecture us on punctuality later, when I actually give a shit. Where's the flash?"

"Chip first."

I chuckled. The little motherfucker. I strolled to where he stood in front of the window. To his credit, he didn't show any fear, but I wasn't going to praise the guy. I grabbed his neck and held him high above the ground, elongating my nails and lightly puncturing his skin.

"Where's my flash?" I growled, letting my voice become less human and more animal.

" safe," he choked. "Let me down and I'll give it to you."

I released him and he fell to the floor. He stood up, rubbed his neck and left the living room. I signaled Jodi and Zeph to follow him and they left too. When they came back, he was carrying a flash and an envelope, and gave me the flash. I snatched it and nodded at Koby.

"For your sake, this had better be it," I said as Koby dropped the chip on his coffee table. "Horrible doing business with you, pray we never cross paths again."

"Wait," he said before I turned away. "That's not all." He handed me the envelope. "Julius left this for you."

I nearly snarled. If Julius left it, I wanted nothing to do with it but curiosity got the best of me so I took it and opened it. The letterhead said it was from a bank, so I handed it to Ember, our amateur economist. "Em, translate please."

She quickly read it and gasped.

I frowned. "What does it mean?"

"It means we're rich," Ember said breathlessly. "Julius left everything in your name, everything. The house in Florida, a private island in Fiji, a villa in Greece, the plane, the yacht, and every dime he owns, including all the shares he has with Jesus knows how many companies. There's a long list here, and they're not even sure that's all of them."

I could've swooned there and then. I knew Julius was rich but a villa? And he left all of it... for me? Obviously the girls would get it too, but seriously? I thought he'd give his mother or someone like that. He had to have had some family, right?

Zeph shrugged. "At least he did one thing right in his life."

"At least," I said, still in a daze. "Either way, let's go. Anybody still want to punch Othonos, you have fifteen minutes." I left the office and let Jodi and Zeph do their thing.

"Where do we go now?" Paris asked. Suddenly, I grinned. Shocking, I know, since it's me, but a fact just made me smile.

"We have like a billion dollars," I said, "and we're in New York City. Who wants to see Broadway?"

Three months later...

St Petersburg, Florida


"Alrighty people, check it out," I said.

Paris, Ember, Essence and Tammi squealed, Shannon and Jodi whistled and Zeph let out a breathless, "Whoa."

While in New York, I had tracked down Julius' lawyer and demanded why I wasn't told my 'darling adoptive father' had left me money. The numbskull was trying to pull a fast one on us and I quickly let him know it was in his best interest to give us our money back. Other than Othonos, Julius didn't have any other debts so I claimed all of his property as mine and hired people to transform the ancient house to a more modern one, although with still the same charm.

Unfortunately, Prof never did find a cure for our problem - on the contrary, he insisted that it was a horrible idea to even think of trying to undo whatever it was Julius had done. Disappointing as it was, I wasn't complaining. A few months ago, I might've done it anyway even if I knew death was a possibility but now, death's no longer an option.

My sisters need me, a fact I was forgetting. I thought since they were all grown up, they didn't need big sister Violet anymore but I couldn't be more wrong. Between Essence's addiction and Tammi's heartbreak, I realised they would always need me, whether they knew it or not, which was fine. I would always be there, whether they knew it or not. But it wasn't just the girls.

A few weeks back, Koby hacked the password for a second flash drive, the one that was in the envelope with the bank statement. We weren't the only experiments - Julius had done on human-bears, human-dogs and human-birds. They were being held in a facility on the island in Fiji, and I and the girls were going to pick them up as soon as our new pilot was ready. My heart wept for the children; it had been nearly five years since Julius' death, which meant they had had no human contact since then (if you count Julius as a human).

It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I just knew those kids weren't dead. Julius was meticulous and strategic; the man had back up plans on top of back up plans. The blueprint of the facility looked like it was completely computerized, which meant the robots were taking care of them. That was all I needed to assure myself that those children were alive. Before we left though, there was one thing we had to do. Call it our way of christening the house.

After oohing and ahhing at the new house, I retrieved the jar from my car and called the girls outside. We stood at the edge of the cliff and watched the gentle waves of the Atlantic below.

"Say a few words Paris," I said.

Paris cleared her throat. "We're here to get rid of all the pain of the past. Julius, you were a horrible person and words cannot describe the burning hatred we each have for you." We chuckled. Paris smiled and continued. "But we want to thank you all the same for helping us find each other. On our own, we could've ended up dead by now, but we're here, alive and with family, and filthy rich. All the same, may you rot in hell."

We laughed loudly and I dropped the jar into the water. "Rot in hell Julius," I whispered. "Rot in hell."

A phone chimed and Jodi looked at hers. "Plane's ready," she said. "Time to bring in more family."

"Let's go then," I said.

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