Sisters in arms.... and men

11 1 0

Rome, Italy
November 12th, 2020
11:49 PM, Italian time


I stared into the empty space in front of me, wondering how I was going to tell the girls about the house.

Jodi was right; the girls deserved to have a say in what happened to the house. But that protective streak in me, the part that wanted the girls far from danger, did not want to tell them anything.

The girls filed into the cabin and sat around. I looked at all their faces, one by one.

All of us, ten different girls that under normal circumstances we should have never crossed each other's paths. We shouldn't have known the other ever existed, yet we did. And we lived with each other for years because of one man's....madness, for lack of better word.

I sighed, "I put the house up for sale." I paused to watch the girls' reactions. Other than a few raised brows, nothing so I continued, "But, Jodi made me realise I hadn't been very forthcoming with the truth. When we get back, I'll tell you more, but for now I just need your input on whether or not you want the house gone."

The girls were quiet before Shannon said, "The house isn't all that bad. I mean, we could like renovate it or something."

"Yeah, really modernize it and add our own touches," Paris said excitedly.

Zeph shrugged, "It'd be the same, but different."

I smiled as I already knew what they wanted. "Okay," I said. "When we get back, I'll cancel the sale and ask for the house to be renovated instead. Any ideas you have, no matter how whacky, you send to me. Also, we'll go over Julius' financials and whatever debt he's owing. I am not flying halfway across the world for that lowlife again."

"So why are we flying now?" Zeph asked. The million dollar question I suppose.

I sighed, "Do you guys remember when Julius sold me to that military contractor company?"

They nodded. "I ran away, as I said before, but before I came back I met this scientist. His name was Professor Patrick von Hindenburg, and he worked with Julius and my parents before I was born."

I could see the barely concealed shock on their faces. They weren't expecting this. I continued, "Prof knew about Julius' idea of creating human-animal hybrids but he thought Julius was just rambling. When he saw me and saw what Julius did to me, he knew he was wrong. He helped me escape and promised to continue researching to see if there's a way to make us fully human again."

They didn't bother hiding their shock now; even Jodi looked surprised. My sadistic side reared its head as I had a terrible urge to laugh. Shannon was right, I am a sadist.

"He can make us normal?" Vannah said softly.

"I don't know. That's why I need that flashdrive Rich Greek moron has. Prof died in a fire and all his work was either destroyed or declared confidential so I assumed it was gone. I didn't realise he gave it to Othonos to keep for me."

"And the little bastard is making us work for it," Zeph said, her yellow cheetah eyes glowing. "Please tell me I get to punch him in the face when we get him his damn microchip."

"I'd also like to punch him," Jodi said, her face once again expressionless. I raised a brow. Jodi was usually more composed.

"You're a cop, you can't punch him," Tammi said.

Jodi gave her a look. "I'm punching him, final."

"You can punch whoever however, but now you know why we need to get this chip," I said. "There's a special mechanism to remove the chip so we take the sculpture, remove the chip and put it back in Russo's house so he's none the wiser."

The girls nodded and we made a plan for the break-in. Eventually after exhausting ideas, the girls stood up to go to bed. "I'm sorry if I don't always tell you what I'm thinking," I said. "But know whatever I do, it's because I'm trying to protect you."

They gave each other knowing glances. "We know Vi," Paris said. "It's why we follow you."

I smiled. Those were my girls. They left excluding Tammi who I asked to stay over. Koby had hacked into the security system at the art exhibit, so I could see Tammi's reactions to Russo. I wasn't stupid - she looked like me when I was seventeen. When I had someone to look at like that.

Tammi bit her bottom lip when we were alone. "I know what you're going to say, and I can assure you it's just some silly little infatuation, nothing more."

I chuckled, "Tamm, I saw the kiss. If I didn't believe in love at first sight before, I definitely do now after seeing Russo's face."

She groaned and sat beside me. "God Vi, what am I going to do?"

I was silent before answering, "You're going to go to that auction. You're going to enjoy yourself and act like you really are Quinn Gutierrez. You're going to laugh at his jokes and kiss him senseless and just be yourself. And when it's over, you're going to have a good cry and keep that memory of him in one special corner of your mind, never to be forgotten but never to be revisited unless necessary."

"You sound like you've done the exact same thing," she said ruefully.

I chuckled, "I have. He was perfect and loving and even if we were teenagers, I couldn't have asked for a better partner and I knew he was the one. But we're not normal people, and as much as I want you to be happy and under normal circumstances I would have told you to hold on and never let him go, we are in abnormal circumstances on top of being abnormal people."

She rested her head on my shoulder. "I don't swear often, but damn Julius Sinclair."

I kissed her hair. "Damn him indeed. But hey, Prof always told me that even if he was scientist, he knew the highest power was God and He had funny ways of working. Maybe you'll see Russo again and hopefully won't have to steal from him."

She chuckled, "Amen to that. And maybe you'll see your guy again."

"His name is Caleb. And amen too."

Author's note:

So, I'm going to have to disappear for a while. Don't worry, it's just about four five more chapters left and you'll finally know what happens to the girls.

The thing is, my country's in a bit of a mess right now, and that includes our educational system. Considering I'm a student...yeah, you see where I'm going with this.

Also, there hasn't been electricity in my area for the last three days. Three days people, without even a spark. Generators have been our lifelines, otherwise we'd be screwed.

So please understand, as much as I want to finish this book, times are trying and I'm trying to not completely lose my shit.

Thank you for not hounding my inbox. This book may not be the biggest name out there, but it means a lot that even ten people are reading it. Hopefully, next time you hear from me, I would have finished it (finally!)

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!

Thanks again, and until next time!😊😊

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