If I don't do it, who would?

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St Petersburg, Florida
November, 2005


He brought another girl today.

He must have done some serious upgrade to his formula to bring another girl so soon.

This girl looked more sad than scared, and she had this look of resignation on her face, like she had had enough with her life and she was ready to call it quits. Like she was had reached the point where anything could happen and she wouldn't even flinch.

I felt horrible. No child should have that look on their face, but what could I do? I couldn't reassure her it would get better here, cause whatever she had been through, I was very sure he would put her through worse.

"This is Jacqueline ladies," he said to me and Jordan - now Jodi. "Isn't she such a doll? Take good care of her, okay Abhi?"

I nodded once and he left. I tried to talk to Jacqueline, but she just ignored me and went to a corner of the room. I almost scoffed. Did she really think isolating herself would help her?

"Let's leave her for tonight," Jodi said. "She just needs time to adjust."

I realised Jodi was right and I felt guilty. Poor thing was probably terrified, she didn't need me crowding her.

Soon I heard even breaths and I knew she had fallen asleep.

She was resting, good. She was going to need it.

Once the sun went down, Jodi and I left for training. He wasn't there to supervise and both Jodi and I knew what was keeping him preoccupied.

After hours of training, we went back to the bunker. Jacqueline's brown eyes were turning blue and fear was apparent on her tear-stricken face. He had done it.

"He...he," she hiccuped, "I-I don't know... something's wrong...h-help me... please."

I glanced at Jodi, she was already sobbing.

I sat beside the new girl and held her tightly. She cried into my shoulders and I remained silent.

The bitter truth hit me hard. There was going to be more, he would bring more girls and he would continue with his blasted experiments and they would all be confused and upset and scared. And someone had to take care of them.

"Pick a name," I said when Jodi's Jacqueline's cries had stopped.

Jacqueline looked confused, "Huh?"

"We don't use our real names down here. Down here, we're whoever we want to be. Jacqueline and Abhi and Tabatha don't exist. So pick a name," I said.

She cleaned her eyes. "Savannah. I want to be Savannah."

I smiled, "It's nice to meet you Vannah. My name's Violet and this is Jordan, or Jodi."

Jodi waved.

Vannah smiled.

When the sun came up, both girls fell asleep. I still couldn't shut my eyes. The revelation that more children would come, and go through what that bastard put me through was enough to keep me wide awake.

As I watched my newly found sisters sleep, I made a promise to them and myself - that I would protect them as much as I could from that monster, and one day, I'd free them from said monster. Because someone had to have their backs, and if it meant they - no matter how many they were - would get to live a normal life - as normally as possible anyway - then I was ready to make sacrifices.

Cause if I didn't do it, who would?

Author's note:
Sorry for the late update, exams have started at school and staying up all night to study has made me ill ☹️. But I will update as soon as possible, so no worries. Enjoy!

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