Even in death he's screwing my life over

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Asheville, North Carolina
November 7th, 2020


I walked up the stairs and into my apartment. The air was cool, and getting colder, sure signs of autumn slowly progressing towards winter. I opened my door and closed it behind me.

Then I smelled them.

My survivor instincts kicked in and I started fighting. It was happening so fast I didn't even have time to count how many men there were - although there were a lot - or to even think what they wanted with me. Julius was already dead, and the guys who used to hunt me were out of my life, so this was definitely surprising. Fifteen minutes into the fight, it was like their numbers doubled and I couldn't keep up. I felt the sting of a needle and inwardly grimaced.

That was going to hurt once I woke up.

I woke up handcuffed to a chair and with, as earlier predicted, a biting headache. Stupid tranquilizers. I struggled with the handcuffs and stopped once I heard the footsteps behind me and smelled the obviously very expensive cologne. So, it's a rich guy.

Mr Rich Guy stopped in front of me and studied my face. I growled. "Whoa beastie. I'm not here for trouble, I just want to talk," he said. He had a Greek accent. Okay then. Greek tycoon. How cliche.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Just some guy," he replied. I raised a brow and I knew he could tell what I was thinking and he chuckled. A man wearing what was obviously a designer suit with a very shiny watch and smelling like he took baths in L'Oreal for the fun of it.

Definitely just some guy.

He smiled, "Nothing goes by you, does it Ms Sinclair?"

"You're rich and clearly not stupid, answer your own question. But while we're at it, the name's Violet. I'm not in my high school principal's office, so you can drop the Ms Sinclair bullshit."

He raised a brow and shook his head amusedly. "I really want to leave, so if you could tell me what you want from me, I'd really appreciate it," I said, wanting to get as far away as possible from Rich Greek Guy.

He turned to me, "Right, why you're here. By the way, you wounded 11 of my men. Some of them even broke some of their bones."

I shrugged, "Did anyone die?" He smirked and shook his head.

"Then I have nothing to say. They were attacking a tiger, they knew better," I said calmly. Greek Guy laughed and shook his head. "You're funny Violet. In another life, I would have loved to date you," he said and chuckled. I raised a brow and snorted. As if.

"Now, the reason you're here. You're here because your father-"

"That bastard is not my father," I said curtly. I knew he wasn't referring to my birth father, and God forbid I call Julius my father.

He nodded slowly, "Right, whatever. Julius Sinclair owes me money and I want you to pay for it."

I frowned, "How much are we talking here?"

"Fifteen million dollars."

My jaw dropped. How in God's name did he borrow fifteen million dollars? Why would he even do that? I thought the guy was a scientist, not a spendthrift. "Shocking, I know. But he does and I need someone to pay up," Greek Guy said.

I shook my head, "How? That can't be possible." All this time, Greek Guy had been standing but now, he dragged a chair and sat in front of me. "Your father-" I growled again and this time, I let him see my enlarged canines. He waved his hands in surrender, "Sorry, sorry. Julius Sinclair, owes me money because he borrowed some to fund his project."

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