I believe I've mentioned this

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St Petersburg, Florida
December 21


Bluey growled pleasedly as I ran my hand through his hair. I chuckled; Julius used way too much dog genes when he was creating Bluey.

Like with all of us, I changed their names and made their birth names their middle names. Bluey, who was born Nusair, was a five year old boy from Jordan with an active personality. We named him Bluey after the kids show, since he likes it so much. Unlike us, Bluey was genetically modified with two dog species instead of one - wolf and African wild dog.

The triplets - Rosi, Kale and Lea - were from different parts of the world - Rosi was from Ecuador, Kale was Korean and Lea was from Brunei. Like Ember and Shannon, we just called them triplets because they were practically the same age. Vannah named them after the Greek group of goddesses, the Charites. They were each modified with one bear specie - Rosi with the spectacled bear, Kale with the Asian black bear and Lea with the sunbear.

The last member and the eldest was Viliami, who I named Saturn, also after the god, and because I thought it sounded cool. Saturn was the most unusual - his DNA had four bird species - cassowary, ostrich, albatross and peregrine falcon. Since they both had more than one species in their genes, Bluey and Saturn had less human appearances; Saturn had big white wings sticking out his back, and his hand was claw like, like a cassowary, and Bluey's ears were pointed and his teeth were huge. After living in isolation for so long, they weren't very humanistic, not even the girls that had just one specie each. Still, I had hope that with time, they'd learn to control their animal urges, but I was still scared that with their appearances, they'd never properly fit in with normal people.

I turned to Saturn, who was sitting on my right side. "Why don't you go upstairs?"

He shook his head. Out of all of them, Saturn was the most traumatized and had formed an attachment with me so much that he'd never go somewhere I wasn't. He was also terrified of men - you should've seen his face when I played Aladdin for them to watch. He was entirely convinced Aladdin was going to jump out of the screen and rape him, like Julius did.

I believe I've mentioned this before, but damn you Julius.

"Wanna go to bed Blu?" I asked quietly, thinking he'd slept. Bluey shook his head and snuggled deeper into my lap.

I sighed. Bluey had also formed an attachment to me, although his wasn't as bad as Saturn's.

I heard Koby chuckle behind me. "Look at you, being all motherly," she said as she walked in front of me.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't mock me. The triplets?"

"Kale's sleeping, Paris and Rosi are looking at a picture book, and Lea's helping Tammi paint," she replied.

"We have another Picasso on our hands," I said.

She chuckled. "Seems like we do. He's dozed off." She pointed at Saturn and I peeked at him. She was right, but I couldn't leave him. Saturn's screams when he's having a nightmare.... it's not something I'd pray for anyone to hear, so I never leave him alone.

I shifted him so he'd be more comfortable and I continued running my hand through Bluey's hair. I was about to ask when Zeph and Essence were coming home when the alarm for the gate beeped.

I glanced. "Jodi?"

"Isn't coming until Christmas Eve. School's not out yet, and Zeph and Essence aren't due till the twenty third," she said. I got the message - we didn't know who was at the door.

I gently laid Saturn on the chair and stood up. I carried Bluey in my arms and walked to the video screen. A car was at the gate, with a woman driving. There was someone in the passenger seat, a boy by the looks of it, but I couldn't see his face properly.

"Open it," I said to Koby. She tapped the screen and the gate opened. Koby carried Saturn and we took the boys upstairs. I dropped Bluey in Tammi's room with her and Lea.

"I wanna come with you," Bluey whined. I crouched down. "I know kiddo, but I have to do some grown-up stuff. Tammi's gonna stay here with you, okay? Promise me you won't leave this room."

He sulked but nodded. I kissed the top of his head. "Thank you. I'll be right back." I nodded at Tammi and she nodded back. She understood.

I went back downstairs; Koby was already there waiting. "Saturn?" I asked.

"He's in Vannah's room, still sleeping. I gave her a short explanation and she got it before she slept back," she said.

We walked to the front door and stepped outside. The woman had come down from her car and I got a good look at her. She had straight, jet black hair, cut in a bob with fringe and her eyes were light shade of blue. She looked foreign, and her accent once she spoked confirmed it. "Is this Julius Sinclair's house?" she asked.

I crossed my arms. "Violet Sinclair actually. And who are you?"

Before she could respond, the passenger side opened and a boy stepped out. I barely heard Koby's shocked gasp behind me with the ringing in my ears.

I swear I could've passed out there and then.

This boy was the spitting replica of Julius, if Julius were younger and had curly hair. His skin was olive tone like Julius', his hair was golden brown like Julius', and his eyes were that odd shade of grey like Julius. Hell, he even scowled like Julius did.

Any second and I was going to start having heart palpitations.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Marisole Sinclair," the woman answered. She looked apologetic as she pointed towards...him. "And this is me and Julius' son, Rutherford."

Son. The monster had a fucking son. What the actual motherfucking hell? And what could they possibly want?

Again, I believe I've mentioned this, but damn you Julius. Because even in death, he's still screwing my life over.

THE END.....sorta

Author's note:

It's finally over! The first installment in the Sinclair series is over. What'd you think of the ending? I surprised you, didn't I? (Don't lie, I know I did 😏)

Either way, this will be the last you hear of the Sinclairs for a while. I'm focusing on my ONC books for now, so hopefully sometime in June or July, I'll start posting book 2 (but with the way things are right now, I may not be able to post anything till December, sorry ☹️)

Things are just really hectic for me and all I want right now, is just to finish school and get my diploma, but this wonderful, wonderful country of mine... it'll take a while, that's all I can say.

But, all that put aside, what'd you honestly think of the book? Favourite character? Least favourite character? Favourite scene? Least favourite scene? Expectations for book two?

I'm always ready to listen to your opinions, so don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and most importantly, enjoy the book. Cause that's the most important part, that you read it and you liked reading it.

For more reading, check out my ONC books:

1. How to not be a Payne Witch
2. Where darkness lies

Until next time, good people of the world. Stay blessed!

- Lia.

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