The saving

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"Sorry kid your quirkiness." These words struck me like a bullet train. You all know about quirks right? Of course you do or else you wouldn't be reading this. My mom looked at me, disappointed. When we got home she told me to sit on a chair in the kitchen. She proceeded to tie me down and stab me and yell at me for being useless. I scremed for help and after she stabbed my eyes out I herd that my screams where answered when I herd a punch and someone uniting me.

???: Kid you alright?

This voice was deep and I herd two other voices whispering. The voice that asked me if I was okay was the #1 hero in Japan. General grave digger.

Izuku: No...

I tried to cry but the damage to my eyes was to much and soon I passed out.

General POV

Me, Techno and Dream heard screams coming from a house when we were on patrol. A child's scream. We bust down the door and saw what seemed to be a mother stabbing her child calling him a quirkiness piece of sh-


A quirkiness piece of crap. We took down the mother and untied the child. Well Techno untied him. I asked if the kid was okay and of course he wasn't his eyes were stabbed out. The kid obviously said no and we herd police sirens and an ambulance.

General: Dream tell the ambulance that I flew the kid to the hospital it will be faster.

Dream: Okay

After I took the kid to the hospital and waited for 4 hours. My girlfriends Aizawa (Female in this au), Miruko, Midnight and Niki came and waited with me when I called and told them what happened around the 3rd hour. Techno and Dream came after a 1/2 an hour of waiting and when it hit the four hour mark the doc said he wanted me to see something. I went in and saw the kid had a few odd things about him. The fact he was a wear-wolf wasn't weird. There are 4 types of wear beasts in this world. Wear-wolfs, Wear-cats, Wear-sharks and Wear-Dragon. I am the king of the first group.

What was weird was a mark of a flaming skull I only thought me and a man called Johnathon Blaze had. The mark of the ghost rider. Also this kid had a mark of a green dragon on his back. This wasn't a tattoo so I thought that it had something to do with his quirk. Right as I was thinking that the doc handed me his x-ray and he had two joints in his pinky toe with signified no quirk. After a little the kid woke up he panicked and I calmed him down. He told us what happened and how his father left them when he was 3. Dream proceeded to come into the room and ask the kid a question to change his life.

Dream: Do you want me to adopt y-

Dream didn't even get to Finnish before the kid said yes.

TIMESKIP 13 YEARS (UA is a college)

Izuku: DAD!

Izuku yelled downstairs

Dream: YES SON

Dream yelled upstairs


After Izuku was let out of the hospital I took him to some trusted surgeons to give him animatronic eyes like me.


Izuku ran downstairs and hugged me. Everyone who had ever been on the DreamSMP has taught Izuku fighting technics. Well except Quackity. Quackity taught him how to make drugs.

I bring Izuku outside

General: Izuku let me tell you about a power before we leave. A power called One for all.

I explained it to Izuku

Izuku: Okay that is cool but how does it impact me?

General: You see Izuku when we pass on one for all a little bit is left but for some reason I have regained control of 100% of one for all over time and I wanted to know, will you be my second predecessor of One for all?


I pluck one of my hairs off and gives it to Izuku and he understood it had to be passed on by DNA so he ate it.

General: Now make me and Miruko proud.

Izuku: Is Jason and Chi there? 

General: Of course! They are my children after all.

I teleport us to the entrance exam.

Izuku POV

I breezed through the wrighten part of the exam after all the 2nd smartest man on earth General grave digger homeschooled me. I went outside for a breather in the time before the physical exam when I saw a man I never thought I see anywhere close to 1-A. Overhaul. He also had a little girl with him. She was struggling to get free. I put on my smily mask, put up my hood on my green hoodie and ran at them after pressing a button on my belt to signal for General and dad. I quickly snatched the child up and Overhaul looked pissed.

I used the chains of Zarathos to ket him back but he kept destroying them. I then put the girl on my back and told her to hold on. I used 50% of One for all and went after him. I hit him faster them he could think so he couldn't use his quirk on me. After a bit Miruko, General, Dad, Techno, Tommyinit and Wilber showed up with the UA staff. All of them had a hero License. After they took down Overhaul the girl who I now know is called Eri hugged dad as he looked like me in his mask and hoodie.

Nezu: You might have missed the physical exam but I say if this isn't worthy to get into my school I don't know what is!

The teachers and everyone (Even eri who was now holding a dream doll General made for her with a creation quirk) nodded in agreement.

Nemeri: Although he did commit vigilantism so maybe a punishment-

She didn't get to finish before general pulled a spray bottle out of thin air and sprayed Midnight.

General: Bad horny midnight.

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