Izuku's nightmare

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Izuku woke up and the building around him crashed down in a fiery blaze. He already had his mask on so he rushed outside and saw a man... no, General standing there. He was crying. As Izuku approached he could see he was holding a women.

General: I-I-I can't just leave you for dead!

Women: General no my beanstalk, I need *The women coughs up blood* I need you to go, for the timeline.

As Izuku gets closer he sees General in a tux and the women in a wedding dress. The women shakily hands General her necklace. Afterwards her hands fell. Even though a raging fire was happening a mear 10 feet away Izuku could tell the women fell cold and dead. With tears in his eyes General put the woman down and looks up at the sky.

General: Heaven gained *Sob* many angels this *Sob* day. Goodbye rose.

After General said those words Izuku bolted awake and something felt wrong. He got out of bed accidentally making Momo fall to the floor.

Momo: Izu? something wro- 

Izuku already had his jacket on and was out the door accidentally leaving his phone behind. He bolted to the teachers dorms and banged on Aizawa's door. She the opens the door.

Aizawa: Yes problem child?~


Aizawa: No he is at home. Why, something happen?

Izuku: I have a bad feeling.

Izuku activates his wings and flies to General's house where he sees General in a battle with all for one.

All for one: General who do you think started the fire at your wedding?

General: no... you d-d-didn't...

AFO: Oh but I did! 

Izuku activated one for all and went for a Detroit smash but was dogged and blasted by a big Lazer arm cannon.

AFO: You seek to defeat me?! HAHAHAHA!

-General POV-

Izuku didn't listen. He was to pissed to listen. He used bore strength combined with one for all but it failed. He then tried using dream seed and one for all but nothing worked. Suddenly his mark of the ghost ridder and the green dragon tattoo like thing on his skin went from his neck to his back and fused creating a bone dragon tattoo that glowed. Then what appeared next could only be described as if Shenron's skeleton (The dragon from dragon ball z) became a Jojo stand. The dragon unleashed hellfire from his breath and so did Izuku. It engulfed AFO as he screamed in pain. The other heros from UA arrived to see this transformation. Along with Miruko and Izuku's harem. Once the hellfire was over AFO was disfigured and melted but still alive. They both fell to the ground as did I.


It had been a few weeks and I and AFO had healed and been released from the hospital. AFO now feared the kid because unlike me he didn't play around during his fights. Izuku had woke from his coma and was now in with his harem.

General: All might can I talk to you?

All might and I go to my office on the top floor of my hospital.

All might: Yes General?

General: Do you still think I made the mistake of choosing him? Your own son as my successor?

All might foze.

All might: You knew?

General: He was born in the hospital. Of course I knew! Why abandon him?

All might: I was not ready to be a father. Does he-

General: He does not know because you should tell him.

All might: I might think he is a hero but  will not admit I am his father.

General: Still not ready?

All might: Correct.

General: Very well, you may leave.

After all might left I locked my office I pressed a botton on my computer the Yauyorozu parents parents. 

Maya: Yes General?

Damien: Is there something?

General: He is ready to be 05-13.

Maya: You sure?

General: I am as sure as my wife is dead.

Maya: Very well.

Damien: What about the other thing. 

General: I think it is time that the 05 council and more importently the SCP foundation as a whole is ready to come out of the shadows.

Damien: Very well administrator.

The feed cuts and I turn to the city. 

Me the Administrator/05-1

Maya and Damien Yauyorozu/05-2 and 05-3

Mika and Corbin Jirou/05-4 and 05-5

The Ashido parents/05-6 and 05-7

The Tsunotori parents/05-8 and 05-9




currently unfofilled/05-13

Sans gaster/05-14

Frisk Gaster/05-15

WD Gaster/05-16

These people rule the world from the showdows and soon from the light. We used to die in the shadows so they can live in the light. However with how things are happening we will all have to live in the light so villans can die in the dark. However I fear my tactics and AFO's are getting very familiar. As I look down at my hand I wonder out loud.

General: Am I the villain of my own story?

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