The creature

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Izuku was walking with Maya when they got a message on their 05 alerts. They both open it up to this:

They both looked at each other in concern as this message wasn't from their timeline or even dimension. A portal opened in front of them as a Nomu like creature stepped out. It stared at the two for a moment but this thing, whatever it was you could tell it was powerful just by standing near it. It went into hit Mrs.Yaoyorozu and Izuku grew his wings and flew away the thing close behind. It smacked Izuku out of the air and he went tumbling to infront of Momo and Nejire with their internship mentor

Ranboo: KID!

Momo: My soldier!

The thing landed infant of them all striking fear into them as three fire blasts launched at the thing from behind the heros and one from behind the monster. Standing behind the monster was Blaze and his intern Jirou. Behind the heros was General, Perry Ashido, General's intern Mina and Perry's intern pony.

General: Whatever you are you don't belong here. 

The rest of the 05 appeared through portals as the children were all teleported to a large auditorium. The UA auditorium. The heros they were with also teleported there except the 05. The Dream SMP players were teleported there in their hero suits along with the UA staff. A news broadcast showed on screen of the 05 facing the monster.

Izuku: So what is this thing?

Sans: No idea but whatever it is it has mine and Damiens soals. 

Demien: Not of this dimension of course but of it's own.

Perry held his head in pain and so did the rest of the 05. Except for Izuku. A blast was let out of the monster blasting away all the 05 but Izuku into buildings and knocking them unconcious.


Monster: A part of the you from my AU 05-13.

Izuku: You need help.

Monster: Yes I do and that help will come *It quickly got behind Izuku. It's speed was incredible* BY KILLING EVERY VARIENT OF THOSE THAT MADE ME THIS WAY! 

Izuku was kicked sending him into the wall infront of him shattering his mask. Izuku started laughing

Izuku spread the multiverse of madness wings after quickly getting to 102%. What stood there was no longer Izuku but a beast. He launched at the monster delivering furious hit after hit. His fist enveloped in fire was hitting to fast for the monster to regen. The thing launched Izuku up with bones and Izuku flew down at the monster and hit it then swooped up. Again and again with the monster trying to hit him out of the air. After a few hundred sick hits Izuku landed beathing heavily.

Izuku: Why won't *Huff puff* you *Huff puff* DIE?!

The monster hurried through a portal knowing it was outmatched. Izuku stood their in a bloody mess as he deposed and wondered the same thing as everyone else.

"What was that?"

Izuku could see the portal opened to a timeline called the "Mafia Izuku" Timeline.

-That night. Izuku POV. Dimention 3513-

I woke up in cold sweat again. I got out of my bed as the other spirits in me had not woken up yet so I went to go get a drink of water. My Sister Hatsune had jus got home from her concert. She asked what my nightmare was about this time and I told her that a part of my soul in a Beast cried for help but none came and then it was all blurry but before I woke up I could hear a gunshot. After I said that Hatsune scream in hear and I felt blood pore from my chest. My younger bro BF and big bro blade rushed in to see what happened swiftly fallowed by my parents [Redacted] Miku and Twice Miku. I fainted to the floor from blood loss, an ear pricing scream that sounded muscular.

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