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Aizawa: IZUKU!

Izuku: Huh?

Aizawa: I asked what you were doing.

Izuku: Oh a ceaser cypher. You are given a key like A=20 and shift the letters that many forward and if you get to Z and still have some shifts left you shift to A and keep going.

Aizawa: Ah. So who is your pick for a hero for your intership?

Izuku: Oh! I am going to be going with Mrs.Maya Yauyorozu.

Aizawa: Ah pro heroine sweet success.

Izuku: Yhea she came up to me after the sports festival and asked me personally.

Momo: Watch what you say around my mother. You say the wrong thing and she won't be afraid to hurt you.

Izuku: Got it! Say Bakugo who did you go with?

Bakugo: Bad boy halo! He probably is so bad ass! *Izuku started cracking up* What you shitty nerd?!

Izuku: You'll find out.

Bakugo: Tch

-Few days latter-

Izuku walked out the with his class and Maya was standing there with her limo. Izuku kissed his girlfreinds bye.

Izuku: Promise you girls will be safe?

Girls: Only if you do.

Izuku: Deal

-In the limo 5 minutes latter-

Maya: What do you know about the SCP foundation?

Izuku: Well the SCP foundation are the group that keep SCPs/Anomolous items and monsters. The SCP 05, as far as society knows, is:

The administrator/05-1 is General

05-2/your husband/pro hero moonfang is Damion

05-3 is you

05-4 and 05-5 is Mr.Ashido and Mrs.Ashido

05-6 and 7 is the Jirous

05-8 and 9 Is the Tsunotoris

05-10 is Frisk Gaster

05-11 is Dr.Bright

05-12 is Dr.Blue

05-13 is vancaint as it was General's old sidekick bone breaker's spot before he died

05-14 is Sherman

and 05-15 is Sans Gaster

Maya: Correct now fill out this form *She gives him a packet*

Izuku: Sure

-Once he has done it she grades it-

Izuku: So what was that for?

Maya: *Her eyes go wide.* This is a test General gives to everyone he wants to become a new 05 and you aced this test about SCPs so obscure 99% of people wouldn't know about! No one has aced this exam!

Izuku: So what does that mean? 

Maya: Izuku we would like for you to become the new 05-13

Izuku: Of course!

-Latter during patrol- 

Maya: So Markiplier lost control of his quirk and now we have to look out for Darkiplier.

Izuku: Got it

Maya: Now we do need your  vote for an 05 dissicion. 

Izuku: With what?

Maya: Firbies. Anomaly or-

Izuku: Anomaly.


Izuku: I know that yell.

*They turn the corner to see Bakugo and BBH arguing*

BBH: This is not how a hero talks!

Bakugo: *Beep* you!

*Maya looked confused*

Izuku: BBH has two quirks. The first is swear sensor and the 2nd is angelic demon. Angelic Demon lets him turn into a mix of a demon and angel to fight and swear sensor... well...

Bakugo: *Beep**Beep**Beep**Beep**Beep**Beep**Beep**Beep**Beep*

Maya: Ah. Oh and warning do not take any deals from the US or any country to make an SCP war machine.

Izuku: Got it. *He laughed*

(Sorry this chapter is so short. I ran out of ideas and need something to give some hints about what that last chapter was about.) a

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