3. Reunion.

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 The island Scrooge had taken them to may have been unexplored, but it was inhabited. The further inland they got, the more evidence of a forgotten civilisation they found. At one point they'd found a decaying straw-hut, and another they'd found a bunch of arrows sticking out of a tree.

"I wonder what happened to them." - Huey remarked off-handedly, as he took a picture of some sort of totem that come across, which was half-buried in the earth.

Webby stood beside him. - "They probably died of disease, like most tribes." - She shivered, which didn't go unnoticed.

"You okay Webby?"

"Yeah," - Dewey joined in. - "You've been acting weird since we got here."

Webby rubbed the back of her neck. - "I'm fine... It just feels like somebody has been watching us."

"Maybe the tribes aren't gone like we first thought?"

"Maybe." - The teenager just shrugged off the unnerving feeling and carried on following Scrooge and Della who were leading the adventure.

Dewey and Huey shared a look, before jogging up to the rest of the group, unaware of the cybernetic rogue, who was watching them from his hiding spot in the treetops.


 After another half-hour of travelling over the harsh, rocky terrain that made the island, the family was beginning to tire, their feet were sore and their resolve was slowly breaking.

"What are we even going after, Uncle Scrooge?" - Dewey whined, wondering how long it would be before the family got back home, and he could go back to rehearsing the lines of his play.

"Er... I'm not actually sure, Lad." - Scrooge said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you saying, you don't know?" 

"Well, the passage in the book was very vague about what the treasure specifically was... or where to find it."

The brothers wore looks of disbelief. - "So we don't even where the treasure is?" - Huey questioned, groaning when Scrooge nodded. 

"So what do we know?" - Webby asked the Scotsman as Huey and Dewey were freaking out.

Pulling the moderate-sized book from out of his jacket, Scrooge quickly flipped through the pages, until he found the one he wanted. - "The most it mentions is that the treasure is made of gold, and it is located in the centre temple."

"Well that's good, we have a description of the treasure and a rough idea of it's location, it wont take that long to find it."

Dewey calmed down slightly at that, but Huey was still annoyed. - "Look at the size of the temple. It'll take hours to search that temple." - He groaned, his argument reaffirming Dewey's irritation.

"Well, there's only one solution." - Della said cryptically before sprinting forward past the rest of the group. - "C'mon the faster we get there, the faster we can leave!" - She shouted, before charging further into the forest.

Webby excitedly charged after her idol, with the more apprehensive Dewey and Huey following her, and finally Scrooge in the back.

The run finished at the foot of a long, bronze staircase, leading to the towering temple's grand entrance. After a minute or two of questioning if they would actually be climbing the staircase or not, after deciding that they would, the family began the tedious ascent up the stairs.

Once they'd conquered that challenge, they faced another in the form of weapon-wielding robotic sentinels, who at first glance looked like stone statues, but quickly revealed themselves as hostile to the family of the adventures, but they weren't a match for the McDucks, who had spent years travelling the world and fighting the most dangerous creatures the world had ever scene. 

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