4. Proof.

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Webby was torn. She was having trouble deciding whether or not to tell that the family that the masked stranger who'd attacked them was Louie, by the way they were talking about him on the flight back, they didn't seem happy about losing the treasure and being overpowered by him, and if she spoke up, that anger could turn into rage quite quickly, and McDucks had a track record of doing stupid things when angry.

On the other hand, she remembered how bad it got, when the family kept secrets from each other, it had split the family multiple times... Hell. Della's disappearance had split the family twice.

After some consideration, she decided she wouldn't tell the family immediately, and instead tell them after they had calmed down. But keeping that secret was killing her, and after a few days of waiting, she decided she had to tell someone.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in."

Entering into Scrooge's study, Webby made sure to close the door behind her, before taking a step closer to the ancient scotsman who was nose-deep in a large book.

"Uncle Scrooge I've got something to tell you." - She said in the most confident tone she could muster.

"Can it wait lass? I'm trying to decide on what our next adventure will be."

"I'm sorry but it can't."

Sighing, Scrooge shut the large book. - "You have my full attention."

Webby took a breath. - "Louie is alive."

When he didn't respond, she continued, thinking he was frozen in shock.

"The guy who attacked us at the temple the other day, when he and I fought, I managed to get a look at his face, and... And it was Louie."

Scrooge sighed sadly and knelt down. - "Webby, I saw his remains myself... he's gone lass."

"But he's not. I saw him." - She cried.

"I know it's hard to accept his passing, but these theories of yours, they're not helping you nor anyone else in the family."


"Webby." - Scrooge said in a more assertive tone, causing her to stare down at the floor. - "Now is there anything else?"

"No, that's everything."

"Well I've got to get back to research." - He turned, sticking his beak back into his book. - "Remember to close the door on your way out, lass."

"Yes, Uncle Scrooge."

Exiting the study, Webby had only one thought on her mind. - 'I need to prove it to them. But I need help.'


"Huey are you here?" - Webby called as she entered into Gyro's lab.

A voice responded but it wasn't Huey's. - "Hey, you looking for Heuy?" - Gandra Dee asked, the ex-Fowl agent, now working under Gyro and alongside Fenton.

"Yeah, is he here?"

"Sorry but he's out running an errand with Gyro, just me and Fenton here." - She remarked, carrying the box of machine parts she was holding over to a desk.

"Oh." - Webby sighed.

"What's this about? Maybe I can take a message for him?"

"Uh sure, tell him we need to talk about his brother."

"Dewey right?"

"No... The other one."

"I thought the other one was..." - She stopped.

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