5. Encounter.

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*In this Universe, after Louie's 'death' The McDucks didn't raid FOWL HQ, which in turn doesn't kick off the whole 'Last Adventure thing.*

 In FOWL's Duckburg lair, located directly under Funso's Fun Zone, the top North-American agents sat in a meeting with the organisation's head.

"-So in conclusion, project Icarus is operating as expected." - Bradford finished, as he shuffled some papers. - "Now with that finished, does anyone have any questions?"

Phantom-Blot raised his hand. But the ever egotistical Rockerduck interrupted him. - "The McDuck's are holding a gala tonight." - The robber-baron remarked, leaning back in his chair. - "A lot of very powerful artefacts will be on display, some possibly for the only time, what are we going to do about it?"

Bradford smiled menacingly, his hands clasped behind his back. - "We have an agent working on that."

Again Phantom-Blot tried to raise his hand, but Rockerduck continued. - "Are you going to tell us who?"

The Buzzard narrowed his eyes. - "This meeting is over." - He replied as he left the room, before anyone else could say anything. Black-Herron followed suit, getting out of her seat, she joined him in the hallway.

The two FOWL founders, said nothing as they walked side-by-side, calling the elevator, the two stepped in and waited for the doors to close. Bradford put his hand out, allowing the scanner to read his palm, once it did, he pressed the button for the floor below.

"Are you sure about this?" - Herron asked, finally feeling safe to talk. - "I mean he's barely out of training, and I think that mission you sent him on two weeks ago messed with his head."

"Growing soft, Herron?" - The Buzzard asked.

She laughed. - "As if. The only thing I care about is my arm, it cost thousands to build, especially due to the amount of Ocrumite it took to build.

"It did put a dent into FOWL's finances." - The old man mumbled, before shaking off the thought. - "He is ready, the General said so himself."

"Ugh." - The scientist groaned. - "You managed to find the only other person, who believes FOWL aren't villains."

"We're not... FOWL is an organisation that will remake the world as we know it," - He recited his usual spiel of the organisation's goals, causing Herron to role her eyes. - "And General Zhukov will lead our armies to victory."

The elevator's doors opened, and Herron and Bradford exited, walking down a hallway, the two came face-to-face with a large steel door. Punching in the code in the number-pad beside the door, the two metal slabs split apart, allowing the two into the room. 

The door led into a small lab, which was outfitted with the latest technology on the market, and many other machines, some invented and some stolen by the organisation. Many scientists gathered around a window looking into another room, when they noticed their bosses entrance, they quickly dispersed.

Bradford took a step forward, watching FOWL's greatest asset destroy training-dummy after training-dummy through the glass divider.

"Bradford," - His second-in-command spoke, shoving a piece of paper into his hands. - "We just received new information on McDuck's gala, the amount of treasures the McDuck event will be displaying tonight, are more than we originally thought."

FOWL's director scanned the sheet of paper, the amount of artefacts that could potentially help their cause was staggering, but there were far too many for the Winter-Soldier to handle alone.

"Herron, prepare the Augmented for deployment, they will assist him on the mission."

"Understood." - The chemist replied, her beak forming into cruel smirk as she summoned two scientists to assist her.


 The Duckberg museum was packed to the brim with citizens enjoying a night out, or researchers taken their first look at some of the most fascinating relics on the Earth.

While the evening was a good chance for McDuck Enterprises to impressive possible donators that would help fund the family's future expeditions, the night actually had an ulterior motive.

"Still no sight of him." - Lena reported, as she pushed past other partygoers in a dress way too pink for her liking.

Huey's voice crackled in the team comms, he was hold up in the security room, controlling all the building's cameras. - "Don't stop looking, FOWL wouldn't pass up the chance to get their hands on these treasures."

"Even if they do send agents, how do we know it will be... him?" - Violet added, still hesitant to say his name after living the last two years making sure not to say it. - "And what are we supposed to do if they send another agent?"

"Easy." - Webby swiftly replied. - "We do all we can to make them tell us what we want to know."

"And then what, we storm FOWL HQ?"

Webby didn't hesitate. - "Possibly."

"Movement on the third floor." - Huey announced, causing the rest of the team to stop arguing.

As they braced themselves for an explosion or for the lights to shut off, they were taken aback when the fire alarm sounded, and the curator began signalling for the parties attendees to evacuate, which they swiftly did, soon enough the only ones left in the building were that of the McDuck family and a few trusted allies.

"Huey, do you still have eyes on the person the third floor?" - Della asked, the Mother quickly returning from a perimeter sweep, once she heard the alarms sound.

"Uh." - Huey checked again. - "No they're gone."


Glass shards rained down, as the glass skylight was smashed open, and two ropes were thrown down, two figures descended into the hall, one was Louie, who was dressed in the same combat garbs that he was wearing when they previously fought, though now with a new mask on.

The other was a female, standing to Louie's right, her clothing was similar to his, except her outfit was sleeveless, exposing her muscly arms, and her mask had a set of goggles built on it.

"Louie." - Scrooge was the first to speak, his voice was low and sounded sad. - "I don't know what has happened to you lad, but we can help you."

Louie remained silent, and his eyes remained cold.

"Please listen, you're outnumbered and we prepared to go all out, if it means you'll return to us."

Still no response, not wanting to give him the chance to escape, he signalled to Lena.

Louie's head snapped towards her the moment she began chanting and he finally spoke.

"Seychas." - He said.

"Now?" - Webby mumbled. - "What does now mean?"

In the blink of an eye, one of the door to the hall swung open, and Lena was knocked across the room. Everyone was in shock, when they looked up and saw an almost exact double of the women standing beside Louie, in the spot where Lena was just standing.

"Uh?" - Dewey said, slack-tongued, as the women turned and moved right beside Louie at super-human speeds.

The three masked individuals stared down the McDucks and Sabrewing sisters with fists clenched and feet sturdy, waiting for something to signal them to attack.

Violet pulled her sister off the ground, and the two joined the family in readying for their enemies to attack. No one dared to make a move. Suddenly the two groups charged forward and clashed, both sides ready to fight until the other side gave up.

Thanks for reading Ch.5 of 'The Winter-Soldier' I'm sorry for the late update, but something is better than nothing, anyway I hope you comment, vote, follow-me and read Ch.6, whenever that comes out. -MM

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