6. Clash.

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 The trap the family had set had quickly fell apart, right now Della was protecting Dewey and Violet, who were hiding behind a makeshift barricade made up of flipped over banquet tables, while Scrooge, Webby and Lena dealt with Louie and his two sidekicks.

The blaring sirens of approaching firetrucks made it almost impossible to hear anything that was going on, but the high-pitched buzzing noise made by the movement of the super-fast sidekick, was still the loudest thing in the room.

"How are you so fast?" - Lena panted, annoyed with her opponent easily dodging all of her magical attacks.

The women didn't respond, only strafing to her right as the Witch used fired a spell at her feet.

"Not much of a talker huh?"

The woman charged forward, her body radiating a bluish tint as she ran at Lena, who barely managed to put up a forcefield, blocking all of the punches her enemy threw. Safe in her bubble, Lena casted another spell which passed through her barrier and flew at her attacker.

The woman turned and ran, but the spell didn't stop, instead, it followed her throughout the room, turning as she turned, but not actually catching her.

The forcefield fell, as Lena mocked her opponent. - "Ha! Running wont do much for you, that spell will follow you until it hits someone."

In a split-second, the woman changed direction sprinting back towards the magic-wielder, who didn't have enough time to summon a shield, the woman sprinted head on at Lena, before abruptly turning at the last second, causing the spell that was following her to hit squarely in Lena's chest, knocking her backwards.

"Ow." - She groaned on the ground.

On the other side of the room, Scrooge was dealing with the other female, though this one didn't have super-speed, it was obvious she had another power. The Scotsman dived backwards as his opponent jumped forward and threw numerous punches, her hands glowing a dark red.

Grunting in frustration, the masked woman attempted another head on assault. Her fist eventually imbedding itself in a pillar, right above the ducked Scrooge.

He rolled out from under her. - "Not the smartest are ya?"

Annoyed, the woman free'd her hand from the marble, before her entire body lit up the same red as her hands, grabbing ahold of the pillar, she ripped it huge chunk of it out, and used it as a makeshift bat to smack the billionaire across the room, dropping the shattered support beam, she leapt after him.

While Lena and Scrooge went after the sidekicks, Webby went after the main reason they even held this party.

"Louie please!" - She pleaded, ducking under the punch her once-friend threw.

The once charming and wide-eyed teenager was now silent and stone-faced as he sent attack after attack, most of them were two fast to dodge, leaving the only choice was attempting to block, but Webby still had to deal with the pain of the quicker blows.

Even when there was a slight gap in his defence, she didn't take advantage of it, preferring to dodge and plead than attack and insult.

Earning a particular hard strike to the abdomen, Webby just managed to stay off the floor, and leapt backwards as Louie's next attack, which shattered the floor where she was just crouching.

Swaying side-to-side, Webby put up a weak defence to his next punch, which sent her skidding backwards.

"Louie!" - She wheezed, but he didn't relent. Eventually he broke her guard and caught her by the throat, lifting her off the ground with his left arm. Gripping onto the limb, Webby felt cold metal instead of feathers and flesh. 

As the teenager tried to escape the metal arm's grasp, she suddenly seized up, crying out in pain, as a strong electrical shock ran through her body and by the looks of it Louie's as well.

His body shook and his arm convulsed, bringing the two closer together, before the shocking stopped and he tossed her away from him. But in that split-second, she saw a flicker in his eyes.

She watched from the floor, as Louie turned around and snatched the taser from Huey, who'd apparently just entered the room. Before crushing it in his left arm, leaping up, he kicked his older brother hard enough to send him crashing into the closest collection of tables.

"Huey!" - Louie's other brother shouted, ducking under his Mother's arm, Dewey charged forward and threw a punch at his sibling's assailant, the FOWL agent simply caught his fist, and spun around, flipping Dewey around and slamming him into the floor, leaving him groaning in pain.

Louie stumbled, his hand shot forward and gripped onto the nearest table for support.

"Louie!" - Della shouted, walking out from behind the table-barricade, she slowly approached, putting her hand out for her son, who was still stunned.

Eventually she got close enough, to rest her outstretched hand on his shoulder. - "Louie, please, come back to us." - She pleaded in a mothering tone.

Louie just kept staring at his hands, random visions of days out on the lake with the two boys, whose asses he'd just kicked, or going out for burgers with the girl wearing the salmon-coloured dress, flooding his mind.

The sound of shattering glass drew him out from his memories and his instincts kicked in, leaping away from the woman, he turned to see a large figure, with light glinting off his metal armour, he could have sworn that his Superiors had briefed him about the threats that resided in Duckberg, this was one of them, the super-hero, Gizmo-Duck.

"What's going on here?" - Fenton asked, as he descended from the skylight he'd just broken. He had come here after the fire-alarm had been tripped, hoping to assist the firefighters and check to see if anyone was still inside.

"Spasat'sya begstvom!"

The two masked women, hearing their leader's commands, abandoned their fights and drew what looked like rubber balls from pouches on their combat belt, throwing them at their feet, smoke engulfing each of them when the pellets hit the ground, the clouds quickly dissipated, revealing the two had vanished.

Louie, who was still reeling from the sudden illusions that invaded his mind, was slow to equip his smoke-bomb, allowing Fenton to take a shot at him, he managed to stick a dart into his knee-pad. The FOWL agent who'd seemingly not noticed the bug, followed the others example and disappeared into his cloud, leaving without any of the artifacts he was sent to find.

Violet and Fenton made sure the rest were okay, thankfully, almost all were non-serious injuries, with the worst being a sprained-wrist.

Scrooge cracked his back. - "What now?" - He questioned.

Webby was at a loss, this was supposed to be it, the way they brought Louie home, but it had failed. - " I don't know..."

"I think I do!" - Fenton exclaimed, fiddling with the screen on his left-hand gauntlet. - "I managed to tag him with a tracking-chip. So now I know exactly where he is." - He rambled, tracking the dot on a virtual map.

"Where is he heading?" - Della asked, peering over his shoulder to get a better look at the map.

"Uh... it looks like he's heading to- Funso's?"

"Funso's? Why is he going to Funso's?"

"Only one way to find out." - Scrooge loosened his bow-tie. - "We go to Funso's."

Thanks for reading Ch.6 of 'The Winter-Soldier' I hope you enjoyed and also hope you comment, vote, follow me, and read Ch7 -MM

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