12. Information.

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 In a dimly-lit hospital room, on an upper-floor of Duckburg General, an exhausted Webby sat in an uncomfortable chair, beside her Granny's hospitable bed. She flicked through the channels of the wall-mounted TV opposite the bed, while Beakley slept, she was trying to distract herself from the thought that her childhood home was burning to ash, just a few miles away.

In an act of bad luck, worthy of Donald Duck, the batteries in the TV remote died, just as the channel changed to the local news, which was currently covering the McDuck Manor fire.

An aerial camera could just catch the top few floors of the manor past the wall of fire-trucks and the line of police officers. There had to have been at least a hundred firefighters upon Killmotor Hill, trying to contain the ever expanding blaze that threatened to destroy her home.

"As you can see Tom, the fire here at McDuck Manor is out of control. What Marshals believe to be an attack on trillionaire, has resulted in over half of his manor being caught in what officials are calling a devastating fire." - A voice narrated. - "While Scrooge himself was not home during the attack, his two great-nephews, housekeeper and the housekeepers grand-daughter was, luckily they managed to get out safely."

Webby turned to her injured grandmother. - "Safely." - She spat bitterly.

"Now we go to Dewey McDuck, one of Scrooge's two great-nephews who were present during the fire."

The view swapped to a scene, shot of the base of the hill the manor sat upon. There Dewey, who looked equally as tired as her, was surrounded by numerous cameras, each belonging to a different News syndicates.

 There was a barrage of shouts, coming for reporters trying to yell questions over their rivals.

Dewey, being the more confident brother, when it came to things like interviews and being in the public eye, stepped forward. - "Uh... you." - He said, pointing to someone, beside the camera.

"Chris Dorian, Duckburg Daily. Is there any truth to the rumour, that the fire was started by the Beagle Boys as an attack on Scrooge?" - He asked.

"There is no truth to that, the Beagle Boys definitely didn't start the fire." - The shouts started back up, before Dewey chose another reporter. - "You."

"Annie Jackson, Calisto Confidential. If it wasn't the Beagle Boys, who was it? Flintheart Glomgold? Magica De Spell? The Moonlanders?"

 "No, it wasn't anyone of those you mentioned. Those who burnt down the manor, were soldiers of an evil organisation called FOWL. Who's next?" - He looked for the next person, but didn't get a chance to choose.

"Where is Scrooge McDuck?" - Someone shouted, ignoring the whole system that had been set up.

Dewey hesitated. - "At the moment, my brother is trying to get in contact with our Great-Uncle-" - Everyone began shouting questions after hearing there, causing Dewey to stop the interview. - "Thanks to everyone who came out to show us support. Goodnight."

With the end of the interview, Webby turned off the TV, cuddling up into the chair, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


"Thanks to everyone who came out to show us support. Goodnight." - There was a sound of a tape being rewound. - "Thanks to everyone who came out to show us support. Goodnight."

Scrooge, Della and Donald, watched Dewey's interview on an old box TV sitting on the other side of the bars. A few of the elite FOWL soldiers had wheeled the Tv down, with the General himself had accompanied them down, and kept rewinding the interview with a remote, which in Zhukov's massive paw, looked as big as a mini mobile phone.

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