16. Reconsiliation.

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*Long Chapter Ahead!*

 Once the order was given out, it didn't take long for the many agents of FOWL to ready themselves for the invasion plan. The soldiers under General Zhukov stood with backs straight and weapons loaded, they had been assembled in the Fortresses courtyard, as their leader stood up on a balcony, addressing them about what the future would bring.

As the General went on with his speech about brotherhood and order, his armies attention was on the people standing beside him, on his right, were Herron and Bradford, both original FOWL founders were wearing heavy fur coats, that barely managed to keep out the cold.

On his left, was the General's pet project, the mysterious Winter-Soldier, his cybernetic arm flexed as his cold eyes stared out over the castle walls into the snowy wasteland of Siberia.

"-The world will be reborn, and we the will be the leaders of the new world!" - Zhukov finished his speech. There was a series of cheers, but the General signalled for the soldiers to quiet down. He raised both his arms towards the sky. - "FOWL Forever!"

The commandos followed his example and raised their arms to the sky. - "FOWL Forever!" - They chanted in unison, signalling the beginning of FOWL's reign over the world.


 Webby sat alone in her cell, she'd tried to communicate to the guards about Zhukov's plan to betray members of FOWL in a desperate attempt to slow the organisations masterplan, however every guard ignored her, already knowing the plan due to being loyal to Zhukov, not FOWL.

As she laid on the uncomfortable bed, shivering. She heard the reinforced door at the end of the hall open, after about ten seconds, two more guards appeared and stopped at outside her cell. One whispered something to the guard, who was already watching her, the other unlocked the door.

"I already told my Grandfather, I'm not joining FOWL." - She spat, guessing that that was the reason, the men had been sent to her cell.

The one who opened the cell door, reached into their fur jacket that made up a piece of the soldiers uniform, and pulled a small gun like device out, before she could ask what was going on, they shot, a tranquiliser dart lodging landing in her shoulder.

She charged forward and attempted to punch her attacker, but the dart had weakened and slowed her, and the guard simply caught her fist. She didn't have the energy to attempt a second strike, her body was going numb. Her legs gave out on her and she collapsed, with the last bit of her energy she managed to role onto her back, before her vision blurred and she fell unconscious.


 The plane hit a bit of turbulence and shook, pulling the almost comatose McDucks and Sabrewing sisters back to consciousness, while they were still groggy from the tranquiliser, they quickly realised how bad their situation was.

"What do we do Uncle Scrooge?" - Huey asked, while his Brother and Mother struggled against the restraints on their seats.

Scrooge surveyed the plane, the chairs they were strapped into, were bolted to their floor, as where the metal chains that kept them subdued. They couldn't break out using brute force, FOWL had even accounted for a Magical escape, with both Lena and Violet's mouths taped shut, and their chains glowing an unearthly blue colour, indicating them being enchanted.

"Awake at last!" - Bradford uttered as he entered the compartment they were trapped.

"Where are you taking us?"

The buzzard's beak formed an unnerving smile. - "Phantom Island."

Scrooge, Donald and Della gasped in shock, while the younger hostages looed confused.

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