14. Despair.

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 Bradford Buzzard watched through a thick glass window as Black Herron and a team of crack FOWL scientists rewiped Louie Duck's mind, the unwilling agent had slowly had been regaining his memories much to the directors chagrin.

It was evident that the procedure hurt, evident by the way the boy howled and thrashed around in his chair. But Bradford couldn't spare him any pity, his plans relied on the teen's presence now, and even so, he had offered Louie a chance to work for him out of his own volition. 

'It's his fault we did this.' - He apathetically reasoned, as two henchmen burst into the room.

"We have a situation Sir."


 Deeper in the castle, Scrooge, Della and Donald watched their youngest lose himself once more, Webby who had always been close to him, had broke down once she had seen him having his will being taken once more. Leaving Lena and Violet to free the three from the cell.

Once Violet had picked the door lock, Lena went to check on their friend.

"Pink come on." - She ordered, trying to pull Webby along. - "We have to find Huey and Dewey."

"What about Louie?"

Scrooge stepped forward. - "We'll regroup and figure out a plan to save the lad. But now if we have to escape before those blimmin' soldiers find out we escaped."

High pitched sirens rang out through the snowy Siberian castle.

"Too late." - Della remarked.

From down the hall, footsteps of multiple people echoed.

"We have to go."

The group ran the other direction, exiting out of the dungeon and into a connecting hallway.

"Where are we?" - Donald shouted, as the group sprinted away from the jail cells and the armed guards who been ordered to hunt them down.

"I think we're on the fifth floor."

A door at the end of the hallway opened and two guards appeared, the same two who had passed the teens hiding in the elevator, they were still engrossed in their conversation, and didn't immediately notice the McDucks, but the moment they did, it was too late, the tried raising their guns in defence, but Donald and Della quickly dispatched them.

They tried to catch their breath, but some of the guards who were sent to the dungeon, had followed them. Ignoring orders to capture not kill, one took a shot, and the bullet ripped straight through Scrooge's top-hat and into the wall beside them.


The group continued to run, deliberately moving in unconventional patterns through the fortresses many hallways, in hopes of losing their pursuers. Which while not working, did put some distance between them.

Violet, who was at the front of the pack, skid to a halt, the hallway they had chosen to run down, led to a staircase. They had two options: 1. Go upstairs. Or, 2. Go downstairs.

"What do we do?" - The hummingbird asked.

Della charged forward. - "Down!" - She shouted, before leaping down the stairs, Violet followed her, as did the rest of the group.

Unfortunately it seemed to be the wrong choice, as they arrived on the lower level, another squadron of soldiers emerged, and formed a blockade, keeping the McDucks from escaping down the hallway, the guards who had been chasing them, prevented them from going back up.

"Uh oh."

Putting their hands up in surrender, the elite FOWL commandos surged forward, cuffing the group's hands and shackling their feet. One soldier, who was wearing a gold arm band barked orders at his underlings.

"General khochet, chtoby devushku privezli k nemu v kabinet!" - He relayed, nodding at Webby. - "Ostal'nyye mogut vernut'sya v tyur'mu!"

The soldiers nodded. Splitting the group of six into one group of five and one.

"Why does the General want to see me?" - She shouted, struggling in the soldiers strong grips.

She could hear the others shouting at the men who were taking her away, at her. But they were quickly pulled back upstairs, while she was marched along the hallway with an escort, made up of about ten of the guards. 

After a few minutes of being dragged away from her family, they stopped outside a door, one of the guards stepped forward and knocked on the door, after a second, someone responded.

"Come in." - A deep voice boomed, and Webby was ushered inside, the guards quickly leaving.

The room was an office, with a hard wooden floor and crimson coloured walls. A large bear, dressed in a military outfit, sat behind a small wooden desk, he was writing something, but when he noticed her arrival, he out his pen down.

"Webbigail," - He warmly smiled. - "Please, take a seat."

"What do you want with me?" - She shouted, as she took a step back, she didn't dare attack, knowing that this was one opponent she couldn't fight.

"Take a seat and I will tell you." - Webby bit back an insult and did as she was instructed. But the General didn't immediately begin explaining, instead, he took a second to just watch the girl. - "I have waited for this moment for the last 17-years." - He admitted.

"What does that mean?"

The General didn't answer her, instead he asked his own question. - "What do you know about me Webbigail?"

"I know that you're a super-soldier," - She stared angrily at him. - "And the serum that gave you your powers, changed you, made you a monster."

"Monster is relative." - He remarked. - "Anything else?"

"I knew that you were once a double agent, who knew the difference between right and wrong. You worked with my Granny, you were her friend."

The General chuckled. - "Friend? I see your Grandmother hasn't told you everything about me."

"I know enough. You're an agent of FOWL, who turned my friend into a mindless soldier!" - She spat. - "I think I have enough to judge your character."

The bear sat back in his seat. During the whole conversation, his smile didn't leave his face. - "Your Grandmother and I were in love."

Webby gawked in surprise. - "No." - She denied, knowing there was no truth behind the man's words. - "She loved my Grandfather, she said he was the only man she'd ever loved."

"Don't you get it?" - He questioned in his thick Russian accent, his smile widening. - "I am your Grandfather."

Thanks for reading Ch.14 of 'The Winter-Soldier' Big reveal to end on, I know. Anyway, here's your teaser. - As Zhukov explains the truth about his and Beakley's history, Webby has to choose a side. At the same time, Bradford's plan enters its final stages, and the brainwashed Louie's the key to everything. - Anyway, I hope you comment, vote, follow me and read Ch.15 - MM

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