11. Battle.

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 With ears ringing and vision blurred, Webby struggled to get back up on her feet, she attempted a few times, each time stumbling, the teen eventually finding a handhold to pull herself back up onto feet. 

Using the sleeve of Louie's hoodie, she wiped the dust and debris from her eyes. Noticing how the explosion had caused the building to begin to crumble, the lounge floor crumbling when she fell, leaving her in a portion of the basement and a piece of wood covering the hole. Leaving her in almost complete darkness.

"Huey! Dewey! Granny!" - She yelled, before coughing, in the ensuring chaos of the explosion, a fire had began somewhere in the manor, causing the crater she was in to fill up with smoke. Her throat burned and her eyes stung, yet she tried to climb to freedom.

A second later, she was knocked back down, as a second, smaller explosion rocked the manor, pouring more soot into her eyes. She wasn't sure where the explosion originated, but she was certain it wasn't too far.

"HELP!" - She screamed, before falling into another coughing fit. - "IS ANYONE OUT THERE?"

"Webby?" - Came the muffled voices of Huey and Dewey, she was suddenly blinded by light as the board was pulled off the entrance to the hole.

"Where's Granny? Do you see her anywhere?"

Huey took a look around, but couldn't see anything past the wall of flames. - "No I don't see anything." - He reached down into the pit, but his hand barely made it a fourth of a way down. - "Dewey, grab my legs." - Together, the two provided enough length for Webby to easily reach Huey's hand and allowing Dewey to pull them both up.

Out of the pit, Webby tried to take a second to rest, but Huey had other ideas. - "Let's get out of here." - He pulled both of them along, attempting to escape the fire through the window he'd opened to clear the smoke. Only for Webby to resist running to freedom with the two brothers.

"I'm not going anywhere without Granny."


"Huey, I'm not going anyway without Granny." - She repeated. She was willing to brave fire, flames and rapidly deteriorating support beams, if it meant that she could save the only remaining blood relative she had. 

"Ok." - He relented. Apart from the open window, the only way out was through the main door, but a piece of support beam had broke off and fallen, barring it the main door. - "We have two choices, we can either go out the window and hope one of the other doors are unlocked, or we can try to and pry the heavy burning log off the door and go from there."

"I vote going out the window!" - Dewey spoke up, not wanting to burn his hands. However, fate wasn't on his side, as the moment he turned to face the window, another mini explosion rattled the manor, causing a large chunk of debris to fall and block the window.

Huey managed to pull his brother back before another chunk fell on him. - "Looks like we're going through the door." - The three crowded around the wooden chunk and dug their hands into it. - "All together now. On 1. 3... 2... 1!" - He shouted. 

With a loud thunk. The wood hit the ground a foot away from the door, Dewey reached out and tried opening the door. Only for it to not move an inch.

"It's still stuck." - He grunted, still jiggling the handle, as the fire crept closer to them.

"Stand back!" - Webby ordered. Delivering a kick hard enough to knock the door off it's hinges, once both brothers were out of the way. 

Now in the manor's foyer the teenagers discovered what was causing the explosions. The two superpowered women that had accompanied Louie, had somehow broken inside. The one with super-speed, was running around tossing what looked like snooker balls at the support beams, snooker balls which exploded on impact. While the other agent, who had super-strength was fighting Mrs.Beakley.

The young FOWL operative was fast and strong but Beakley had experience on her side, every swing the teen took was effortlessly blocked or dodged, and soon followed up by a counter from the ex-spy.

Staggering from another counter shot Beakley had thrown at, the agent leapt forward and attempted a head-kick, only for the housekeeper to catch her leg mid-swing. Spinning around, Beakley threw the girl at a wall, which she crashed into.

"Sestra!" - The other agent yelled from the other side of the room. Using her enhanced speed, she shoulder-tackled Beakley, before speeding she and her sister to the other side of the hall.

Webby ran over to her Grandmother, finding her seemingly unconscious, while Dewey and Huey faced down the two augmented sisters. - "Get her out of here, Webby!"

Blue energy emitted off the speed sister and she suddenly rushed forward. The brothers just manged to leap out of the way of the attack. Dewey landing softly on a sofa, while Huey crashed into an set of medieval knights armour.

Dewey whose landing was a lot softer than his brothers, noticed the strength sister charged like a bull seeing red. -  "Huey watch out!"

Instinctively, Huey picked up the discarded shield, the FOWL agent slammed her smouldering red fist into the steel. Only for the steel to reflect the punch. Huey, who'd expected to be obliterated by the super-powered punch, seized his opportunity and ran head first at his stunned attacker, using the shield to knock her back.

"Nice one Hue!" - Dewey shouted, before he saw the speedster, who was charging up for another run. A run that looked like was heading straight at him.

"Dewey!" - His brother yelled, kicking the armour set's sword over to him, which he managed to snatch off the ground.

"Now I don't want to brag." - Dewey began, spinning the blade around his hand. - "But I'm pretty good at sword-fighting." - He took a stance. - "And since you're unarmed, I feel like this isn't a fair fight, so how about you give up."

Clenching her fists, a pair of dagger-sized blades sprung from the top of her gauntlets.

"Well, that changes things."

As the girl darted forward, Dewey managed to deflect each of her attempted attacks with her blades, but it left him open to a strike to the ribs, which the girl took, slamming her knee with all the force she could muster.

Winded, Dewey dropped to a knee. While he was down, the agent reared her left fist back, ready to deal a fatal blow with her gauntlet weapons. Only to be interrupted by her sister being slammed in the face by Huey and his shield.

Dewey, who had rapidly regained his strength, swept her legs out. Before rolling on to his feet, and leaping backwards, ready to fight if he needed to.

The fast agent, sped back over to her sister, while the two brothers regrouped, the two sibling teams stared each other down once again. This time an entire flaming roof beam fell between them, blocking their path. 

"We got to get out of here." - Huey said, pulling at his brother to follow him.

"Well what about them?" - Dewey gestured over to the two enemies across the flaming piece of wood.

In a flash of blue, the two were gone, disappearing from the manor, which was close to folding in on itself, like a bad house of cards.

"Come on!" - The two ran for the door, managing to escape outside literally seconds before the remaining portion of roof fell, followed by a wall, and another wall, and another. 

Huey and Dewey took a seat beside Webby, who was tending to Beakley, who while no longer unconscious, still needed medical care. The group heard the sounds of approaching sirens, as they watched the manor, and all of their possessions burning to a crisp in front of them.

Thanks for reading Ch.11 of 'The Winter-Soldier', If you like my writing, and like Ducktales fanfics, maybe go and check my newest story, 'Legacy' it is also a Louie-centric story, and a sequel to my other Ducktales fanfic 'Destiny', anyway, I hope you enjoyed and also hope you comment, vote, follow-me and read Ch.12 - MM

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