1. Fall.

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*Quick-note, this story is set in my AU, in which Webby is not the cloned daughter of Scrooge, but cloning will be a prominent point later on in the story.*

The train shook back and forth on the rusty tracks, climbing higher and higher up the cliffs of the snowy mountains, the McDucks had traveled to Serbia hunting for the Mirror of Truth: A lost treasure, which apparently was the real-life inspiration for the magic-mirror in Snow White.

The trip had gone quite smoothly, they'd arrived at an crumbling castle and avoided all of the deathtraps with minimal effort like the seasoned adventurers they were, after finding the silver handheld mirror and escaping the fortress, they'd re-boarded the train and set off back down the mountain.

Louie had been holding onto the hand-railing for dear life, even as his brothers poked fun at him.

"I can't believe you're holding onto the hand rails." - Dewey joked, as Louie rolled his eyes.

Huey smiled. - "Yeah c'mon Lou, we fly with Launchpad all the time!"

The teenager adjusted the hood of his green, fur-trim parka. - "You laugh now, but when the train crashes, you can't moan about your broken bones."

Webby giggled, watching the triplets joke about like this was always entertaining.

"The train's not gonna crash lad," - Scrooge said, polishing the mirror, with a cloth he'd taken from his pocket. - "It's been going strong for decades."

"Thanks Uncle Scrooge, that makes me feel so much better."

Taking the sarcasm earnestly, Scrooge went back to studying the mirror, while Louie went back to talking the other younger family members. Soon enough Della emerged from another carriage.

"Well, it seems that this trip down the mountain will be another few hours." - She said as she cleaned her coal dust hands off on her coat. - "The engineer said that if we go too fast, the train could jump the tracks and we'll crash into the ravine." - She gestured to the window.

"Ravine?" - Dewey remarked excitedly, charging to the other side of the train and leaping onto the seats, to get a better look at the ravine below them. - "Wow!"

Webby joined the blue triplet on the other side of the train, soon followed by Huey. - "Woah!"

"Louie come look at this!" - Huey called over to his younger brother, who was still seated on the other side of the train.

The train shook a little, causing Louie to hold onto to railing a little tighter. -"Nah I'm fine where I am."

Looking out the iced up windows, Huey noticed something out of the ordinary. - "Uh... Uncle Scrooge?"

"Yes lad?" - Scrooge answered, still examining the mirror.

"You might want to take a look at this."

Scrooge placed the mirror in one of his coat's inner pockets, before trudging over beside the rest of the family. - "What the?" - Outside, over the ravine, was a large black helicopter with tinted windows, which was following the train.

Noticing their cover had been blown, the helicopter maneuvered, revealing the aircraft's tags.

"FOWL!" - Huey yelled. The family watching as a line was thrown out of the helicopter and people began repelling onto the train.

Della stared at the men climbing towards their carriage. - "But they don't look like Eggheads."

Four of the five FOWL agents weren't wearing the traditional yellow jumpsuits and oval-shaped helmets, instead they were wearing balaclavas and body-armour, while the fifth looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, unusually tall and decked out in some sort of futuristic battle-suit."

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