8. Revelations.

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Under Funsos, in FOWL's secret lair, a loud cracking sound echoed through the hallways, followed by a light thump as the another Egg-Head dropped unconscious, Webby who had just punched one of the organisation's minions so hard it cracked their visor, dodged as another one threw a punch.

Before she could attack, the Egg-Head was encase in ice as Lena rapidly slung spell after spell at the army of faceless flunkeys, Without wasting a second, Webby spotted a second, smaller group of Egg-Heads appear at the other side of the hallway, she charged forward, with a flurry of punches, kicks and wrestling moves she'd learned from T.V, she quickly dispatched them.

The two girls kept their guards up even after they defeated the group, expecting more to appear from thin air, after waiting about 20-seconds, the two relaxed. Quickly catching their breath, Lena and Webby high-fived.

"We did it!" - Webby cheered.

"Yeah we did."

Violet, who had been hiding in the office, trying to stop Bradford Buzzard's computer memory from being erased, heard her two friends celebrating their victory, and exited the office.

"We have a problem." - The hummingbird announced, causing worry to surge within Webby.

"What is it?"

"The computer had a specialised security protocol, I couldn't stop the memory from being erased."

"No." - Webby whispered, but Violet wasn't finished.

"However I did manage did copy some of the remaining data on to a spare flash-drive."

Lena was confused at why the other two were upset. - "That's good... Right? Why do I have the feeling that that's not good?"

"The memory I managed to salvage could be nothing more than expense reports or possibly an employee handbook."

"Does FOWL have an employee handbook?"

"That's not the point, what I'm trying to say, is that-"

"The information could be worthless." - Webby finished.


The three stood in the hallway in silence for a few minutes before they collectively decided to leave the base, knowing that most likely all other remaining computers had their memory wiped

The drive back to the Manor was spent in absolute silence, the radio was turned off and no-one spoke, all three of them too busy comprehending the fact that they may never see their friend again.

Pulling up to the front door, the three got out of Lena's small beat-up black car, with sorrow written on their faces.

They were surprised when the door opened for them, but their surprise quickly turned to worry when they realised who had opened the door.

"Hi Granny." - Webby nervously greeted.

The calm Mrs.Beakley, gave them a disappointed look before ushering the three girls in, where they were surprised to see a larger group of people sitting in the manors foyer, with new arrivals including Fenton, Ganda, Launchpad, Drake, Gosalyn, Boyd and even Gyro, who was still wearing his green beaker-spotted pajamas.

Scrooge got up from his chair. - "There you lasses are, where were ya?"

Webby who had always been a goodie-two-ships began nervously babbling, so Lena stepped forward. - "I took them to Funsos."

"Lena, how could you? Do you know who dangerous that could have been?" - Della chastised, upset clear on her face

Webby who had rarely ever stood up to authority, spoke up in favour of her friend. - "It wasn't Lena's idea it was mine!"

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