Sam Wilson🐤

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Imagine: Making Sam smile

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Imagine: Making Sam smile.
"Bet I can do it."
"Bet you can't."
"Let's make this interesting then. You're some kind of royalty, right?"
"Would you two stop whispering back there."Bucky commanded, stopping in his tracks in front of you and Zemo, a dark glare in his eyes.
"Calm down, Soldat, we're not planning anything."The Sokovian said before smirking at you."Well, not anything illegal anyway."
You snickered but quickly shut up once Bucky's eyes landed on you, looking down disapprovingly at you as if you were a dog who'd just knocked over and broke a vase.
"Let's just keep moving."Bucky grumbled and lengthened his strides to catch up with Sam.
You fell back in step with Zemo and continued talking.
"I know I can make him do it."You repeated.
"He's not going to with me here."Zemo shook his head."I've been told I'm a mood killer."
You scoffed."Oh so you assume just because I'm a girl-"
Zemo chuckled."That's exactly what you're going to do...and it won't work."
"Fifty dollars."You bet.
The man sniggered."Big spender."
"Watch and learn, my odd sort of friend."You flicked your hair over your shoulder and quickened your pace to catch up with Sam."Heyy, Mr Tiger."
"Oh god, please don't call me that."He grimaced."It's bad enough I have to wear this,"-he gestured to his outfit-"I don't need the name too."
"Aww it's not so bad."You frowned a little."I mean you can pull it off."
"Right."Sam rolled his eyes.
"I'm serious."You paused and gave him a curious look.
"But there is something missing."You bit your lip and pretended to think."One second."
You stopped Sam in his tracks and pulled him in by his jacket, kissing him hard and passionately.
He pulled back, a goofy smile on his face.
"There, now you're the smiling tiger."You smirked.
"Here's your fifty dollars, Miss."Zemo spoke up ruining the he said he would.
You turned to him and took the money."I would've done it for free."
You winked at Sam before flouncing on.
"Can't you wipe that grin off your face."Bucky complained.
"You heard Y/N, I'm the smiling tiger."

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