Bucky Barnes⭐️ (Part Three)

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Imagine: Bucky trying to kill you

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Imagine: Bucky trying to kill you.
Clovelly, Devon, England
2 weeks later
"So this is where you hid from Hydra."Bucky stated as he wondered around the small cottage you'd stayed in for barely a year.
As you locked the door and drew all the curtains closed you remembered the day you found out about Hydra's hit like it was yesterday. You were woken at four in the morning by a call from your SHIELD contact (aka Agent Maria Hill) and she informed you of what an undercover agent had told her. You took toiletries, two changes of clothes and fled. You didn't even tell your family where you were going you hadn't spoken to them in seven years...and hadn't seen them in ten, since your first day at Hydra.
You jumped at the feel of metal against your elbow before realising that James was there with you.
You shook him off and aggressively closed the cute, floral, stereotypical grandmother curtains.
"I'm fine."You snapped, quickly turning around and heading towards the equally sickeningly floral bedroom.
Hearing his heavy footsteps behind you, you couldn't help but roll your eyes. It was hard to believe he had carried out so many hits when he had such loud boots."Close the curtains, quickly. And no offence but try to make sure no one sees you, there's a reason we didn't fly here."
"Yes, m'am."The Winter Soldier muttered and you smiled a little, maybe the cold hearted assassin had a sense of humour after all.
You crouched near the huge wooden box at the bottom of the bed and flipped open the lid, revealing tons of evidence against Hydra.
"I can't believe it's all still here."You squeaked joyously.
"Me either, didn't Hydra raid the place after they found you."James observed, picking up a file from the top of one of the piles.
"Hydra didn't find me here, I left before they could."You informed him as you checked your phone.

We're two minutes away

After a moment of silence you turned around but what you saw made an icy chill run through your spine.
"Who the hell is James?"
"Fuck."You cursed as you saw the sheet of paper on the floor he had discarded, the words to bring out the Winter Soldier out.
You started to dash towards the door when you were flipped onto your back.
Usually you'd be able to fight back but you were out of practice and soon enough his metal hand was around your neck.
"You're my mission."He told you.
"Slezt' s neye!"You heard a woman's voice yell before a shot was fired and you could breathe again.
James' body was kicked hard off you and a second shot was fired.
"Stop!"You yelled, scrambling off the ground."Agent Romanoff, it's fine."
You were standing behind the assassin/Avenger.
"Clearly not, he was about to kill you."She snapped, her eyes never leaving James so you were left staring at her red hair.
"Otstupit', Soldat."You commanded and almost immediately you saw the recognition of you in the Winter Soldier's eyes.
"Y/N, I-I'm sorry."He told you.
"It's ok."You told him."I have people here to help you."
You heard the footsteps of another person entering the cottage.
"Natasha, wh...B-Bucky?"
You turned to see Steve Rogers (aka Captain America) in the doorway.
"Steve?"Bucky answered.

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