Yelena Belova💍

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TW: Implication of rape

She is my wife^Possible Black Widow spoilers in the chapter?🤷‍♀️- Mischa Belova💜

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She is my wife^
Possible Black Widow spoilers in the chapter?🤷‍♀️
- Mischa Belova💜

Imagine: Yelena coming to save you.
"STOP!!!"You yelled, kicked and screamed as multiple of the Red Room's guards man handled you into the jet.
You had been staying with Melina for the past few years, helping her develop the mind control chemicals. You had always been good at science and anything was better than being at the Red Room, even aiding them from afar, especially after Dreykov "took a liking to you".
"PUT ME DOWN!!!"You screamed, trying your best to fight back against the guards but there was too many of them and they were far stronger."LET GO OF ME!!!"
Dreykov was already in the jet, even when his precious Red Room was being destroyed he had time to order his loyal guards to capture you.
"Still as beautiful as ever I see."He snarled, he reached a hand out to touch you but before he could you spat in his face. You began to struggle against the guards again as your abuser wiped his face."And as fiery, I always liked them fiery."
Your head whipped to the side to see Melina's beautiful, sort of daughter running towards the jet. You'd spent barely a day with her but already you had a huge crush on had a sneaking suspicion she may feel the same about you.
"Yelena!"You shouted, tears in your eyes.
As the Red Room was destroyed behind her she ran to the jet as Dreykov yelled to take off. You began to panic, she wasn't going to make it in time. Most of the guards abandoned their task of trying to detain you to try and shoot the blonde assassin coming to save you, all except one.
Dreykov had taken his eyes of you and you knew this was your only chance to escape. You swiftly kicked the guard in the crotch before grabbing his gun and shooting him. The jet's engine began to hum to life and before you even knew what you were doing you had jumped from it.
You tumbled onto the hard ground beside Yelena's feet.
"What is wrong with you, crazy woman?!"She asked before helping you up.
You smiled weakly."You came to save me."
"Of course I did."She told you before pulling you to her for a harsh kiss."After this is all over, I'm going to take you on a date. I promise that."

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